ING1027 Technical Safety in the Process Industry
Course description for academic year 2024/2025
Contents and structure
The course will give students a profound understanding of health, environment and safety philosophy in the processing industry, looking at specific situations protecting against fire and explosion. Focused on barrier thinking, advantages and challenges of various security activities ralated to health, environment and safety. The course will provide students with a basic introduction to risk analysis and several methods for evaluation of the riskpotential in an industry.
Learning Outcome
The students:
- Can explain the barrier philosophy and barrier elements.
- Can explain risk analysis with focus on the establishment of the barrier image.
- Can describe jet fires, BLEVE and gas explosions.
- Can describe the risks for different process plants.
- Have knowledge about the effect of heat radiation and overpressure.
- Can update their knowledge in the subject area in case of changes, etc.
The students can:
- Calculate values for BLEVE: diameter, rising height and heat radiation.
- Calculate overpressure at explosion.
- Calculate fire heat radiation and define the risk for people and facilities.
- Reflect own professional skills, individually and in groups, with adjustment under guidance.
- Define methods for risk analysis.
- Perform simple risk analysis and calculate PLL and FAR.
- Reflect over barrieremodels and the ALARP principle.
General qualification:
- Can provide written reprts regarding subject area.
- Have knowlegde to perform calculate and to present subject area .
- Work in teams, reflect over own performance and schedule tasks.
- Can identify and discuss problem solutions and evaluate the consequences.
Entry requirements
Recommended previous knowledge
Teaching methods
Lectures, exercises, demonstrations and work in groups.
Compulsory learning activities
One written test
Part 1: Groupework project regarding major accident, accounts for 50 % of the final grade (report 30% / presentation 20%)
Part 2: Written exam, 3 hours, accounts for 50 % of the final grade.
Grade: A-E/passed; F/failed. Both parts must be passed.
The projekt deals with major accidents. Teamwork in groups of 3-5 students, with guidance during the semester. The final report will be assessed. There is a report presentation, perhaps there will be an oral examination. The presentation will be public.
Examination support material
Written exam: Simple calculator: Allowed calculator is Casio fx-82 (all varieties: ES, ES Plus, EX, Solar etc.)
More about examination support material