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KJE302 Analytical Techniques with drug analysis

Course description for academic year 2024/2025

Contents and structure

This course will provide an understanding of how to analyze and identify organic compounds, including drug molecules, using spectroscopic methods such as infrared (IR), ultraviolet-visible (UV-Visible) and nuclear magnetic spin resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, as well as mass spectrometry (MS). In addition, the spectroscopic and spectrometric techniques will also be supplemented by gas chromatography (GC) or liquid chromatography (HPLC).

In this course one will continue to work with known methods such as IR, UV-Visible, GC and/or HPLC. In addition, the student will get an introduction to basic knowledge and understanding to NMR and MS theory. The course will particularly focus on the interpretation of spectra, but a basic understanding of the different analytical methods is also emphasized.

It is central that the student acquires experience and skills through the execution of experimental project work where all the aforementioned methods are being used. The main theme of this project work is to identify, elucidate the structure and determine the purity of a drug molecule, produced in the laboratory, by using advanced analytical instrumentation.

The content of the course is

  • introduction to the theoretical basis for spectroscopy and the various relevant methods in this subject (UV-Visible, IR and NMR)
  • application of UV-Visible spectroscopy
  • application of IR spectroscopy to identify functional groups in organic molecules
  • interpretation of one-dimensional 1H and 13C-NMR spectra in detail
  • interpretation of simple two-dimensional NMR spectra
  • introduction to the theoretical basis of mass spectrometry (MS)
  • application of mass spectrometry to determine the elemental composition of molecules or fragments
  • explanation of fragmentation patterns in mass spectra
  • presentation and interpretation of results in a report

Learning Outcome


The student

  • has knowledge of the principles of the different spectroscopic methods
  • has knowledge of the use of spectroscopic methods as a tool in organic structure elucidation within research, the industry and the health sciences


The student

  • can perform analysis on the instruments for IR, UV-Visible, NMR and GC-MS
  • can interpret spectroscopic data from IR, UV-Visible, NMR and GC-MS, individually and combined, to elucidate the structure of simple organic compounds
  • can choose relevant spectroscopic methods that are best suited to a given problem

General competence

The student

  • can compare the different methods (IR, UV-Visible, NMR and GC-MS) and identify their strengths and weaknesses
  • can carry out a structure elucidation based on spectra obtained using the aforementioned analysis methods

Entry requirements


Compulsory learning activities

A report and a presentation of the project work must be approved before the exam can be taken.

The approved report and presentation of the project work is valid for six semesters (including the semester the requirements were approved).

Examination support material

Simple calculator, ruler and a compendium with spectral data.

More about examination support material

More about examination support material

Course reductions

  • TOK072 - Miljø- og vannanalyser - Reduction: 5 studypoints
  • KJE111 - Analyseteknikk - Reduction: 5 studypoints