MARE551 Interprofessional Approaches to Refugee Health
Course description for academic year 2024/2025
Contents and structure
This course examines interprofessional approaches to refugee health, by focusing on health and rehabilitation challenges caused by global migrations. It reviews health, political, environmental, social, technological, legal and environmental causes and consequences of this phenomenon. The course deepens students' understanding of diverse aspects and challenges to refugee health including both physical and mental health. It prepares students for interprofessional collaboration to address them within different contexts and systems while upholding human rights and promoting equity and inclusion of refugees.
In the course, students examine experiences of refugees in new health and social contexts as well as barriers and enablers to accessing health and social services from an interprofessional and intersectoral perspective. Students are introduced to the life-cycle approach with a special attention paid to older adults and refugees with disabilities who require rehabilitation services. Along with competence for interprofessional collaboration students build their cultural competence to work with refugees of diverse cultural backgrounds and in different languages.
They are introduced to the tools and frameworks to assist them in analyzing the problems and developing solutions in cross-cultural and interprofessional teams. Through teamwork, individual and team assignments, students have an opportunity to apply theoretical knowledge to practical problems facing professionals who provide services to persons with refugee experiences.
This course is offered if there is a minimum of 10 students or more who have chosen the course.
Learning Outcome
A student who has completed the course should have the following learning outcomes defined in terms of knowledge, skills, and general competence:
The student...
- has advanced knowledge within the field of refugee health related to interprofessional health and social care collaboration
- has thorough knowledge of theories, frameworks, concepts and methods in the field (e.g. social justice, human rights,...)
- can apply knowledge of refugee health to health and social care practice
- can analyze health and social issues as well as resources of refugees based on the history, traditions, contexts, and individual experiences
The student...
- can analyze and deal critically with various sources of information and use them to provide rationale for meaningful engagement of people with refugee experiences in health and social care
- can analyze theories, methods and interpretations in the field of refugee health and work independently and in teams to address practical and theoretical problems
- can identify, appraise and use different types of evidence to deliver effective informed care
- can advocate on behalf of clients, from community- to policy level, to improve their access to appropriate resources and services that support their inclusion in society
General competence (EQF responsibility and autonomy)
The student...
- can communicate and collaborate with other health and social care professionals to optimize interprofessional team performance in refugee health and social care setting
- demonstrate a critical awareness of ethical questions regarding refugee health
- can apply refugee health knowledge and skills in varied contexts integrating perspectives of persons with refugee experiences and professionals
- can elevate narratives of persons with refugee experiences to inform practice and support inclusion into community
Entry requirements
Recommended previous knowledge
Teaching methods
The course is arranged online with the following teaching methods:
- Synchroous sessions
- Asynchronous learning activities
- Group work
- Supervision and feedback
- Asigned readings and learning resources
Compulsory learning activities
The following course requirements must be approved in order to take the exam:
- Participation in 75% of asynchronous learning activities
- Team presentation
- Team reflection paper (1000 words +/- 10%)
A written, individual term paper, 3000 words (+/- 10%).
Grading scale: The grading scale used is A to F. Grade A is the highest passing grade on the grading scale, grade F is a fail.
New exam: When the grade F (not passed) is given, the students can improve their term paper and hand it in for the new exam.
Examination support material
No limitation
More about examination support material