NAB2014 Navigation III
Course description for academic year 2024/2025
Contents and structure
Ships manoeuvrability
Shallow water and interaction effects
Mooring and anchoring
Tugs in ship handling
Ice navigation
Ship in emergencies
Adverse weather and weather routeing
Dead reckoning navigation
Great circle navigation
Time and timekeeping
Celestial navigation
Passage planning
Practical information:
- The subject covers relevant IMO requirements stated in STCW78 found in tables A-II/1 and A-II/2.
- This course is in combination with the courses NAB1026 Navigation I and NAB1027 Navigation II forms the foundation for course diploma for ARPA, ECDIS and AIS.
- This course in combination with NAB1026 Practical Navigation I, NAB1027 Navigation II and NAB3010 Operational management/NABP4001 Maritime communication and leadership forms the foundation for the BRM course diploma.
Learning Outcome
The student
- Has thorough knowledge Colreg. and use of these in all situations
- Has knowledge about different types of tugs, and use of these in harbour operations
- Has knowledge of different ship components and design that form the basis for ship manoeuvrability
- Knows the effects wind, waves and current have on ship manoeuvre capability
- Has knowledge of ship interaction and shallow water effect, principles for use of pilot and piloting technics
- Has knowledge of anchoring and mooring equipment and use of these
- Has knowledge of ice navigation and operation in adverse weather and weather routing
- Has thorough knowledge of passage planning in all navigable waters and under all conditions
- Has thorough knowledge of the contents in the manual IAMSAR Vol III
- Has thorough knowledge of transmarine passage planning and monitoring, including dead reckoning and celestial navigation
The student
- Can make a complete passage planning by the use of chart and other nautical publications
- Can determine the ship`s position by use of celestial and terrestrial navigation technics in all waters
- Can handle a ship under all conditions, including manoeuvring in shallow waters and narrows
- Can use the procedures in IAMSAR III
- Can apply the Colregs. during a voyage
- Can manoeuvre a vessel under influence of different environmental conditions
The student
- Can at simulator navigate and handle a vessel under different environmental conditions
- Has skills in manoeuvring in harbours under different environmental conditions in simulator exercises
- Can apply his/her knowledge on practical and theoretical problems in passage planning, monitorering and executing a voyage under all conditions, and make reflected decisions based on this knowledge
- Can, based on an incident rapport, explain which Colreg. rules that are violated and what action could been taken to avoid the close quarter situation
- Can participate and co-ordinate a SAR operations as described in IAMSAR Vol III
Entry requirements
NAB1026 Navigation I
Recommended previous knowledge
NAB1027 Navigation II
Teaching methods
Lectures and simulator exercises
Compulsory learning activities
4 written assignments. All four must be approved in order to take the written exam.
Mandatory weekly simulator exercises throughout the teaching period. Max 1 "not approved". Must be approved to take the practical/oral exam on simulator.
Practical exam will be held in the simulator. Weight 30 %. Grade A - F
Written exam, 5 hrs, may be conduted electronically. Weight 70 %. Grade A - F
Examination support material
Practical exam - divider and parallell ruler.
Writen exam - divider and parallell ruler.
Astronomiske- og andre navigasjonstabeller, 1990
Approved calculator: Casio fx-991EX og Casio fx-991CW. More information available here: Examination support material - Western Norway University of Applied Sciences
"Teknisk formelsamling (Pedersen, Gustavsen, Kaasa og Olsen)" is handed out during the exam..
More about examination support material