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ERG220 Enabling Occupation

Course description for academic year 2025/2026

Contents and structure

The course emphasizes the understanding of occupation and enabling participation, by addressing theoretical frameworks and interventions, related to the following topics:

  • Hand injuries and splint-making
  • Workplace health, workplace assessment, and workplace adjustments
  • Housing, housing adjustments, and independent home living

Cultural aspects relevant to occupational therapy are included in this course.

Learning Outcome

A student who has completed the course should have the following learning outcomes defined in terms of knowledge, skills, and general competence:

Knowledge: The student...

  • can discuss the characteristics of and importance of occupational therapy for the society
  • can account for client participation, guidance, communication, ethics, and building of relations
  • has broad knowledge of the living environment, universal design, and adaptations of the surroundings
  • has broad knowledge of technology and assistive devices, and how they can enhance or be a barrier in regards to activity and participation
  • can discuss how ergonomics and workplace adaptations are related to disability, health, and work participation
  • has broad knowledge of the importance/significance of work to health and identity
  • has knowledge of and can apply up-to-date knowledge of the health and welfare system, legislations, and guidelines when assessing and suggesting adaptations of living environments and workplaces
  • has knowledge of the anatomical and functional background of the hand

Skills: The student can...

  • choose, perform, and discuss different assessments and intervention processes relevant to interventions for hand function, living environments, and workplaces
  • apply professional knowledge in adjustments to the design of surroundings and living environments to enhance independence, health, and quality of life
  • use professional knowledge of ergonomics in the assessment and adaptation of workplaces
  • reflect upon the relation between health and work and the significance of the inclusion of individuals and groups in work settings
  • find and refer to relevant legislation and political guidelines relevant for housing adjustments and workplace health
  • carry out interventions for persons with hand injuries, including making selective hand splints
  • can reflect upon the cultural significance of activities

General qualifications: The student can…

  • discuss different viewpoints of welfare technology and collaborate with others in using welfare technology
  • has knowledge of and can reflect upon the consequences of digitalization in regards to housing adaptations

Entry requirements

The course is available to students from partner institutions with which we have established agreements. To be eligible for admission to the bachelor's program, students must have passed their first year of study.

Recommended previous knowledge

Knowledge from ERG201, and ERGP2.

Knowledge of rehabilitation.

Teaching methods

The course emphasizes the use of practical approaches to enhance the student’s skills relevant to the three themes. The practical part of the course will take place both at the University and in society (at workplaces and within the homes of students or citizens). As part of the workplace module, the students will do an assessment of a workstation (at the University) and an assessment of an optional external workplace.

The course includes group work, practical workshops, written assignments, and seminars. Learning methods that actively involve the students will be applied, in addition to digital learning resources. Assignments can be placed in clinical settings.

Students receive written feedback based on specific criteria for all written compulsory learning activities, related to academic content and academic writing. The purpose of this feedback is to help students understand what is done well and what needs improvement in their responses. It is expected that students will utilize and build upon this feedback to enhance their performance in subsequent written assignments and exams.

A workload of 40 hours of studying per week is expected.

Compulsory learning activities

The following learning activities must be approved for the student to present oneself to the exam:

  1. Attendance of 80% at student active and experience-based teaching. This includes group work, workshops, seminars, supervision, excursions, and experience-based teaching.
  2. Written group assignment on hand injuries and occupational therapy, 1500 words +/-10 %.
  3. Written group assignment on workplace assessment: report on workplace assessment 1000 words +/-10% with photos.
  4. Individual presentation, in "World Cafés" regarding housing adaptations, and occupational therapy, based on the students' group work.
  5. Attend a seminar where international students have their exam presentations. Norwegian students will give oral feedback on the presentations.

Students receive feedback on academic content and academic writing for the written compulsory learning activities. If assignments that do not meet the minimum requirements specified in the assignment text are submitted, the assignment must be revised and completed before feedback is provided by the teacher. The written compulsory learning activities are valid for four semesters.


Oral exam

Individual oral examination of 20-25 minutes.

Time and place for the exam, see Studentweb.

Grading scale

A to F will be used. Grade A is the highest passing grade on the grading scale, grade F is fail.

New exam

A new exam is carried out as the ordinary exam.

Examination support material


More about examination support material

Course reductions

  • BER205 - The challenge of enabling occupation - Reduction: 10 studypoints
  • BER312 - Aktivitet og deltaking som samfunnsansvar - Reduction: 5 studypoints