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ERGP2 The Occupational Therapy Process and Clinical Reasoning - practice

Course description for academic year 2025/2026

Contents and structure

The student is in a supervised clinical placement within an arena where occupational therapists work. The student will have the opportunity to apply practical knowledge and skills obtained in a practical setting, with an occupational therapist as a supervisor, where facilitation of interventions will be emphasized. The student prepares and implements learning objectives and a plan for the clinical placement. In addition, the student must complete implementation of three learning situations and a reflective note after implementation of one learning situation, and an activity analysis.

The student will follow an intervention process in occupational therapy during the clinical placement. This includes various assessments, such as functional assessments and activity analysis, problem formulation, goal setting and individual plan, and planning and implementation of interventions, all under supervision. In addition, the student must focus on interprofessional collaboration, reflect on one's own and the supervisor's professional practice (clinical reasoning), participate in reporting/documentation of tasks performed and focus on how occupational therapists/students can work in accordance with evidence-based practice.

Preparation for clinical placement and the clinical placement seminar are included in the course.

Learning Outcome

A student should aquire the following learning outcomes defined in terms of knowledge, skills and general competence:


The student...

  • has broad knowledge of how people's activity, participation and health affect each other and interact with the environment throughout the life cycle
  • can account for how activity analysis is used throughout an occupational therapy intervention process
  • has broad knowledge of how occupational therapists can contribute to the establishment and change of habits, routines and roles
  • is aware of the rights and activity participation of minority groups


The student...

  • can master occupational therapy intervention processes, relevant assessment tools, including ICF, and interventions under the supervision of an occupational therapist
  • can apply and convey systematic activity analysis through an occupational therapy process
  • can, under supervision, initiate relevant intervention(s) based on a systematic activity analysis
  • can, under supervision, apply professional knowledge about the design of the surroundings and living environment to promote independence, health and quality of life
  • can apply professional knowledge of physical, psychosocial and cultural conditions to promote inclusion and participation
  • can, under supervision, apply professional knowledge about and implement interventions for people with social and health challenges, or refer to other services if necessary
  • can find legislations that are relevant to the professional practice of occupational therapy
  • can, under supervision, complete the steps in evidence-based practice

General qualifications:

The student…

  • can, under supervision, convey and document occupational therapy practice to clients and collaborators
  • can, under supervision, plan and facilitate for people with disabilities to participate in meaningful and valued activities
  • can initiate interprofessional collaboration
  • can discuss with the supervisor how equal services can be ensured for all user groups, and through this contribute to the development of good practice

Entry requirements

The course is open for students from institutions the Western Norway University of Applied Sciences (HVL) has an agreement with. Students who have passed the first year of an occupational therapy bachelor`s degree is eligible to apply.

Recommended previous knowledge

Rehabilitation in regards of somatic and mental health issues, use of individual and group-based interventions, leading of group-based interventions or equivalent.

Teaching methods

During the clinical placement, the student receives weekly supervision and has an occupational therapist as a supervisor. Learning objectives and plan are followed up both by a teacher and the appointed supervisor. Topics that are relevant to the student and the practice site can be addressed in the weekly supervisions.

A teacher provides feedback on and approve learning objectives and plans for the clinical placement period. Follow-up, usually through a digital meeting, is conducted by the teacher as follows: 1) an initial conversation after approximately two weeks of placement, and 2) a midway follow-up around the middle of the placement period.

The students receive written feedback based on specific criteria for written compulsory learning activities, allowing them to understand what is good and what needs improvement in their learning activities. It is expected that students will use and engage with the feedback to achieve relevant learning outcomes during the clinical placement.

During the clinical placement, students must follow laws, instructions, internal rules and working hours that apply at the student’s workplace. The student must adhere to the confidentiality agreement in line with other personnel at the workplace. At the beginning of the study, each student signs a confidentiality agreement for the entire study period, including clinical placements. HVL wants the student to have access to participate in the institution's/department's meetings and any internal teaching that may be important and beneficial for the student during the clinical placement. This is, however up to the workplace to decide upon.

The student must also have time for self-study corresponding to one working day per week. Allocated time for self-study must be adapted to work routines at the individual workplace, which the student and practice supervisor agree on. It is not possible to save study time, in order to shorten the practice period. A work effort equivalent to 40 hours per week is expected; 30 hours at the workplace and 10 hours for self-study.

Compulsory learning activities

The following course requirements must be passed:

  • Attendance: 90%
  • learning objectives and plans for the clinical placement, where a minimum of three relevant learning situations (LS) are included
  • a reflective note of 400 words +/- 10% of one of the LS carried out
  • activity analysis relevant for a client/patient. The analysis and the results of the analysis should be discussed with the student’s supervisor.

The student receives feedback on written compulsory learning activities. If a student submits assignments or learning activities that do not meet the minimum requirements specified in the task description, the student must resubmit them before receiving feedback from the teacher.

If the clinical placement needs to be repeated, the compulsory learning activities must also be repeated, as they are linked to the current clinical placement and the workplace.

A more detailed description of assignments related to clinical placement will be published on the learning platform Canvas.


An assessment is conducted between the student and the supervisor mid-term (mid-term assessment) and at the end of the clinical placement (final assessment). The supervisor and the student fill in the assessment forms.

The clinical placement is assessed as passed or failed. The assessment is based on the student's performance in practice, which includes whether the learning outcomes (learning objectives and plan for practice) have been met. The assessment also includes the completion of learning situations and activity analysis. The teacher approves the reflective note of one of the LS carried out in advance of the final approval of the clinical placement.

The supervisor recommends passed/failed clinical placement. The teacher is responsible for the final assessment of the clinical placement.

Requirements for 90% attendance must be met.

If in doubt as to whether the student will reach the learning outcomes and pass the clinical placement, and the doubt arises before the student is halfway through the period, the student must be notified in writing. In this notice, the supervisor must state what the student does not master, and which requirements must be met in order to pass the clinical placement.

New clinical placement

No new assessment is arranged in a course of clinical placement. Failed clinical placement entails changed study progression where the clinical placement is completed in its entirety together with the next class.

Examination support material


More about examination support material

More about examination support material

Course reductions

  • BERP2 - Praksis 2. studieår, fokus på tilretteleggjing av tiltak - Reduction: 15 studypoints