GE482 Hydrogeology
Course description for academic year 2025/2026
Contents and structure
The beginning of this course provides a short introduction into the water cycle and the water balance on a local scale.
The hydrogeological part of the course deals with soil water in the vadose zone, groundwater in bedrock and unconsolidated cover rocks in addition to geological parameters of groundwater aquifers. This part further provides an overview over methods used to investigate hydraulic systems and to calculate hydraulic parameters, and includes the topics groundwater pollution and groundwater chemistry. The use of groundwater as water and energy supply, the role of groundwater in unstable slopes and groundwater leakage in tunnels, will also be addressed. A basic introduction in modelling of groundwater flow is also given.
During one day field work, the students learn how to measure discharges, how to install and establish groundwater wells. Field work is followed up by analyses in the lab. During excursions, different types of groundwater aquifers both in bedrock and unconsolidated cover rocks, as well as water supply systems using groundwater are visited and discussed.
Learning Outcome
After completed course the students will:
- gain understanding of the different components of the hydrological cycle.
- have knowledge about the formation and flow of groundwater both in bedrock and unconsolidated cover rocks.
- have knowledge about the practical use of groundwater as water supply and the role of groundwater during high water discharge, and its relation to erosion, landslides and geotechnical challenges.
The students are able to:
- do simple hydrological / hydrogeological calculations.
- conduct hydrogeological field work and make assessments in the field.
General competence
Students are able to:
- use hydrogeological knowledge in practical applications.
- understand the content of hydrogeological reports and publications.
Entry requirements
Recommended previous knowledge
GE406 Introduction to Geology
MA414 Mathematics for Science Studies
FY400 Introduction to Physics
Teaching methods
Lectures, exercises, fieldwork, lab exercise, excursions
Compulsory learning activities
- Three approved selected written exercises
- One peer review
- Participation in all field work and excursions
- One approved field work report
- One approved excursion report
- One oral presentation during one of the excursions
Written examination under supervision, 4 hours.
Grading A-F.
Examination support material
Simple calculator and ruler
More about examination support material