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ING5002D Master Thesis

Course description for academic year 2025/2026

Contents and structure

The thesis must be an individual work in which the candidate shows that he / she has the ability to independently specialization in a narrowly defined field. The project is concluded with a written report.

Learning Outcome

- Knowledge

The candidate:

  • analyze relevant fire safety problem restructuring based on different information from previous studies and work in the relevant field
  • an update their knowledge in the field
  • have an overview of recent international literature and scientific works that are relevant to the thesis
  • can account for research and development in the field

- Skills

The candidate:

  • can apply relevant scientific methods to analyze the problem relate critically to different sources of information
  • can investigate the problem and discuss their results and conclusion in relation to the relevant literature
  • can carry out an independent limited research work

- Expertise

The candidate:

  • have the ability to reflect and critically evaluate their own work
  • analyze academic and research ethical issues
  • can convey extensive independent research work
  • can explain the status of research and development in this field and carry out an independent, bounded thesis

Entry requirements

The student must have passed 40 of 60 credits from the theoretical part of the master program. ING 4004 Advanced Fire Dynamics is a mandatory prerequisite course.

Recommended previous knowledge

The previous theoretical part at 60 ECTS

Teaching methods

Thesis work can utilize various scientific working dependent nature of the task. The results will be summarized in a report.

Compulsory learning activities

Three compulsory activities are required to be able to deliver the master thesis.

  1. Participate on Kick-off, first semester
  2. Deliver a disposition to subject coordinator, first semester
  3. Present the master thesis in 10 min at presentation day, followed by 5 min of questions. The presentation is done physically at campus in the last semester

All three compulsory activities are possible to do both in the autumn and spring semester.


The assessment is based on the submitted thesis.

Grade: A - E / passed; F / failed.

Examination support material

All, however the thesis must be an independent achievment

More about examination support material

Course reductions

  • ING5002 - Master Thesis - Reduction: 60 studypoints