MAS117 Thermodynamics
Course description for academic year 2025/2026
Contents and structure
The UN's 7th goal for sustainable development is called 'Affordable and clean energy'. The sub-goals mention, among other things, increased energy efficiency as an important measure to achieve goal no. 7 and several of the other sustainability goals. Thermodynamics is a basic engineering subject about energy. The subject is about important concepts and mathematical tools for calculating energy needs and energy efficiency.
The student acquires basic knowledge that is necessary to follow the teaching in various energy-related courses. Design, dimensioning and optimization of energy systems in buildings, on vessels, in industrial production and energy recovery are typical examples of applications of knowledge in thermodynamics. The subject is fundamental to all energy and process technology related courses and a prerequisite for admission to many energy-related master's programmes in Norway and abroad.
Content in the course is different forms of energy, properties of pure substances, ideal gas equation and other equations of state, 1st law of thermodynamics applied to closed and open systems (unit operations), 2nd law of thermodynamics, reversible processes, heat engines, refrigeration machines and heat pumps, entropy, exergy and 2nd-law-analysis of unit operations and cycles, ideal cycles processes for gas and steam power and heat transfer.
Learning Outcome
Upon completion of the course MAS117 Thermodynamics, the student has the following qualifications:
- Explain basic concepts in thermodynamics
- Recognize and describe processes in thermodynamic systems
- Quote the 1st and 2nd law of thermodynamics
- Find thermodynamic properties of pure substances using diagrams, tables and equations of state
- Outline different thermodynamic processes in different property diagrams
- Use the 1st and 2nd law of thermodynamics to solve energy-related problems
- Assess the efficiency of various processes and devices based on the 1st and 2nd law of thermodynamics
General competence
- Abstract technical processes
- Apply thermodynamic concepts to analyse real technical processes and compare them with ideal solutions
- Apply this knowledge to optimize energy use
Entry requirements
Recommended previous knowledge
Mathematics 1 (MAT110) and Mathematics 2 (MAT202).
Teaching methods
Lectures, self-study, exercises with supervision, submission of compulsory exercises (see compulsory work requirements).
Compulsory learning activities
Mandatory work requirements in the form of individual and handwritten submissions (calculation exercises). Unapproved submissions cannot be submitted for re-assessment.
The mandatory submissions must be completed by set deadlines.
In total, 7 out of 10 submissions must be approved. Further details will be given at the beginning of the semester.
It is not possible to collect approved submissions over several semesters.
Approved submissions are valid for the semester's ordinary exam and the three subsequent semesters.
Written school exam under supervision, 4 hours.
The time and place for the exam will be announced on Studentweb.
Grade scale A-F, where F means fail.
Examination support material
Specified aids:
- Drawing and writing materials,
- syllabus literature,
- simple calculator.
Course reductions
- TOM033 - Teknisk varmelære - Reduction: 5 studypoints
- TOM157 - Teknisk varmelære II - Reduction: 5 studypoints
- ING2044 - Varme- og strøymingslære - Reduction: 5 studypoints
- SIK203 - Varmelære - Reduction: 5 studypoints
- ING2026 - Termodynamikk - Reduction: 5 studypoints
- ING2006 - Anvendt termodynamikk - Reduction: 5 studypoints
- ING2014 - Varme- og strøymingslære - Reduction: 5 studypoints
- INGB2087 - Anvendt termodynamikk - Reduction: 5 studypoints
- ING2112 - Termodynamikk - Reduction: 5 studypoints
- ING3110 - Varme- og strøymingslære - Reduction: 5 studypoints