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MAS501 Waste Heat Recovery

Course description for academic year 2025/2026

Contents and structure

Waste heat recovery is an important measure for increased energy efficiency. The latter is one of the sub-goals in the UN Sustainable Development Goal No. 7 (Clean energy for all). About. 20 TWh is lost as heat from the energy demand in Norway. Large parts of it can be utilised, which will contribute to more energy-efficient processes. Which technology can be used depends, among other things, on the temperature at which the waste heat is available.

The structure of the course is similar to the work on a project that develops a waste heat recovery measure. Exergy analysis is used to quantify the work potential in the waste heat source. Different technologies used in heat recovery are discussed against the background of their advantages and disadvantages. Pinch analysis is used as an established method to identify heat recovery by direct heat exchange to processes that need heating and to calculate external heating or cooling requirements. To determine whether a waste heat recovery measure is profitable, a techno-economic analysis can be carried out. Using it, it is, for example, possible to calculate what a kWh of electricity from recovered waste heat will cost. In such analyses, it is useful to use information from process simulation tools such as Aspen HYSYS and EDR, for example for the development of heat exchangers and the quantification of costs for process equipment.

In the subject, examples will be used from research work on waste heat recovery at the Department of Mechanical and Marine Sciences.


  • Waste heat sources
  • Technology for waste heat recovery
  • Pinch analysis and heat exchanger networks
  • Techno-economic analysis of waste heat recovery measures

Learning Outcome

On completion of the course, the student has the following knowledge, skills and general competence


The student

  • can identify waste heat sources.
  • can describe various relevant technologies for waste heat recovery as well as their advantages and disadvantages.
  • is familiar with the operation and structure of computer programs relevant to the assessment of waste heat recovery measures.


The student

  • can quantify available energy and exergy in waste heat sources.
  • can perform pinch analysis using computer program.
  • can develop technical solutions for waste heat recovery.
  • can carry out a techno-economic analysis of a waste heat recovery measure.
  • can use computer programs for process simulation and heat exchanger design and interpret the simulation results.

General competence

The student

  • can collaborate in groups with other students in project-based and written work.
  • can reflect on own professional practice.

Entry requirements


Recommended previous knowledge

The study programme's entry requirements, with an emphasis on thermodynamics, fluid mechanics and basic chemistry, plus MAS504 Energy Economics and Matlab.

Teaching methods

Lectures, self-study, computer and calculation exercises, group work, guest lectures if possible.

Compulsory learning activities

Two mandatory work requirements in the form of submissions that must be delivered within given deadlines.

The work requirements must be approved in order to deliver the project report.


Written group based (two students) semester project with final project report. Both Norwegian and English are admissible report languages.

Grade scale A-F where F is not passed.

The size of the group can be adjusted (+/- one student) in accordance with the number of students in the course. This is only possible after consultation with the course coordinator.

If the group does not pass the course, the report can be submitted in a revised version during the following semester.

Examination support material

All aids are permitted.

All aids are allowed during the home exam. For more information about Artificial intelligence (AI) please see Submission of home exams and assignments.

More about examination support material