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ME6-1002 Research Methods in Social Sience

Course description for academic year 2025/2026

Contents and structure

During the course, the students will learn how to carry out all the phases of a research project, from developing a research question and design to collecting and analysing data and discussing and presenting the findings for qualitative and quantitative studies. A short introduction to the philosophy of science is also given. The students also learn about digital methods, particularly the use of secondary data from the Internet and social media.

Learning Outcome


The students can explain the following;

  • the basic terms and modes of research methods.
  • how inquiry is planned and carried out in social sciences.
  • how theory directs qualitative and quantitative studies.
  • qualitative and quantitative data collection methods and analysis and how these two methods can be combined.
  • digital research methods and the particular benefits and challenges related to these methods.


The students can;

  • formulate research problems and hypotheses.
  • choose between different research designs and data collection methods.
  • carry out qualitative and quantitative data collection methods, analysis and interpretation of the findings, including a few digital methods.
  • assure the quality of the data collection, analysis and understanding of the findings
  • evaluate the quality of research.
  • plan, carry out and present studies with supervision.
  • show oral and written communication skills and communicate the content of analysis, methodical decisions, results, and conditions.
  • identify and handle data protection and ethics challenges when planning and conducting inquiries.

General competence

The students can;

  • carry out critical thinking and ethical research reflection, and show responsibility in their research.
  • critically evaluate their sources, and reflect upon their methodological practice.
  • read, criticise and use scientifically published knowledge within the study area.
  • interact to plan inquiries and carry out the group's work assignments.

Entry requirements


Recommended previous knowledge

ME6-1001 Statistics, BØA115 Statistics for Economists, or similar knowledge.

Teaching methods

There are three intensive teaching sections, each linked to the course's learning portfolio. The sections consist of lectures, group work, and discussions. The students must meet prepared for the sections, and they must work independently and in groups.

Compulsory learning activities

To learning activities:

  1. Project description
    1. Submit a draft of the group assignment, a minimum of 1500 words.
    2. Plan and present this draft (point 1 above) and participate in a discussion with the lecturer(s) on how this draft can be improved.
  2. Individual paper
    1. Submit a draft of one of the individual papers (which of them will be announced at the beginning of the course), a minimum of 500 words.
    2. Provide feedback on a fellow student's draft (point 1 above).

To submit the assessment portfolio, the students must hand in/carry out all the learning activities within the deadlines.

Students can ask for an extended deadline (typically 3 days) if they can document that they are sick, a close family member has a severe illness, or are in similar situations.

The group work is a test of the ability to interact. Students who don't contribute sufficiently can be taken out of their group and an unapproved course, even before the written part of the work is delivered.

The learning activities are valid for the following semester, or until the next time the course is taught.


This is a portfolio assessment with a learning portfolio and an assessment portfolio. The students get one overall grade on the assessment portfolio.

Grade A-F, where F is a failed.

Content learning portfolio:

  • A project description in a group of 3-4 students (text). The paper can be up to 6500 words.
  • Two individual papers (text). The papers can be up to 2500 words.

Content assessment portfolio:

  • The project description.
  • One individual paper drawn from the learning portfolio.

If the students fail, they can submit an improved portfolio version for a resit assessment in the following semester.

Examination support material


More about examination support material

Course reductions

  • ME6-200 - Samfunnsvitskapleg metode og statistikk - Reduction: 3.5 studypoints
  • ME6-200 - Samfunnsvitskapleg metode og statistikk - Reduction: 3.5 studypoints
  • ØKB2124 - Samfunnsvitskapleg metode - Reduction: 7.5 studypoints
  • ØMO111 - Samfunnsvitskapleg metode - Reduction: 7.5 studypoints