MMO5009 Maritime Operations
Course description for academic year 2025/2026
Contents and structure
- Aspects of shipping operations with emphasis on the Arctic
- Example of an advanced maritime operation
- Industry standards and recommended practices
Dynamic Motions of Ships
- Kinematics and dynamics of ocean waves
- Natural frequencies and frequency of encounter
- Wave-induced motions
- Risk of resonance and minimization of ship motions
Under-keel Clearance Management in Shallow Waters and Channels
- Signs of shallow water entrance
- Parameters affecting the under-keel clearance (UKC)
- Hydrodynamic interaction with bottom topography
- Examples of actual UKC calculations by simulation software
Collision Avoidance at Sea
- The effect of speed - aspect ratio for high speed craft navigation
- Time to - and distance at - closest point of approach
- Collision risk assessment in true motion to multiple targets
- Target selection procedure in congested waterways
Ship Weather Routing
- Optimization criteria
- Principle of the isochrone method to solve the optimization problem
Case Studies of Various Maritime Operations by application of Orcaflex
Demonstration of Maritime Operation(s) on Full-mission Bridge Simulator
Learning Outcome
The student:
- Knows the principles of maritime operations with emphasis on how the environment affects the operations.
- Has thorough understanding of the key environmental factors affecting the performance of maritime operations.
- Knows the fundamental hydrodynamics as a theoretical basis for ship dynamic motions.
- Has advanced knowledge in collision and grounding avoidance at sea.
- Knows the principles of ship weather routing.
The student:
- Is able to use appropriate analytical approaches to perform assessment of maritime operations.
- Is able to understand limitations in modelling and simulation of maritime operations.
- Is able to propose and evaluate solutions for planning of effective operations.
General Qualifications:
The student:
- Is able to work in project teams of maritime operations, including international and interdisciplinary project teams.
- Has the foundation to acquire new and more advanced knowledge related to work tasks and operations within the maritime field.
- Can contribute in discussions regarding relevant maritime operations.
Entry requirements
General admission requirements for the study programme
Recommended previous knowledge
MMO5003 Modern ship design: Safety, limitations and hazards or equivalent.
Teaching methods
Lectures, group-work, self-studies, possible simulator demonstrations.
Compulsory learning activities
1. One presentation.
2. Several peer assessments of the presentations of other students.
Portfolio with
- Individual written assignment
- Excersises
- Presentations
In the portfolio all element must be passed for the portfolio to pass.
Grading scale: A-F
Students who fail the exam, or who wish to improve their grade, will not be given the opportunity to redo the exam until next time the course is offered. As the portfolio tasks may change from one year to the next, students will not have the opportunity to only redo individual portfolio assignments.
Examination support material
All supporting materials allowed.
More about examination support material