MOA256 Scientific theory and methods
Course description for academic year 2025/2026
Contents and structure
The course gives the students an overview over the theory of science and methods. The emphasis is on various scientific methods useful for approaching academic literature critically, and to be able to make analyses and carrying out simple research or solutions for the master thesis. During the course, students will learn to formulate problems at stake and operational research questions. Through practical exercises, the students will get training in data collection and insight into related the challenges. The course will also give an introduction to ethical requirements for research. The aim of this course is also to write a proposal for the students’ own master thesis/relevant master topic. The course must be taken before beginning work on the master thesis.
Learning Outcome
The candidate
- Has understandings on the importance of formulating good scientific problems.
- Has knowledge on the choice of theory and methods for the writing of scientific works.
- Has advanced knowledge on planning and on completing scientific works, including academic writing connected to the discipline land use planning, property and land use management.
The candidate
- Can formulate good scientific problems and hypothesis useful for own master thesis.
- Can make a plan of own master thesis.
- Can connect and integrate various theories of science and methods.
- Can analyse and evaluate the quality of own and others research.
Overall competence
The candidate
- Can critically explain the scientific basis for research reports and literature within the field of own research discipline.
- Can critically reflect upon ethical problems connected to various types of research.
- Can implement a small research project and present analyses and conclusions to specialists and to the general public.
Entry requirements
The programme's admission requirements.
Recommended previous knowledge
The student should have basic knowledge of academic referencing and literature searches, as offered by the HVL Library.
Teaching methods
The teaching will take place in forms of lectures, workshops, discussion, short exercises and feedback on the abstract, presentations and research proposal. Students must take responsibility for their own learning through both active participation in teaching and self-study.
Compulsory learning activities
Submission of abstract of master thesis research proposal (ca 500-800 words) in the middle of the semester and an oral presentation of this (including giving oral feedback to a peer). For the presentations, students must be present for at least their full study group’s presentations (study group = MOA, BET). The abstract can be written in English or Norwegian, but the presentation and feedback must be in English.
- An individual research proposal of maximum 5000 words (excluding references).
The research proposal shall describe the problem to be addressed, theories and research methods to be applied in the master thesis or relevant master topics. The assignment should also involve reflection on ethical/and social implications of the project. Furthermore, an implementation plan of the master thesis must be included. The students choose their own topic.
The research proposal may be written in English or Norwegian.
The project summary (abstract) may be used as part of the research proposal, in revised form based on feedback on the compulsory learning activities (abstract and presentation).
When failing, an improved version of the individual project description must be done.
Grading scale is A-F where F is fail.
Examination support material
All support material is permitted.
More about examination support material