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NABP1002 Mathematics

Course description for academic year 2025/2026

Contents and structure

This course provides the students with an understandig of mathemathics as tools to be used in further nautical science studies.

Learning Outcome

Knowledge: The student has knowledge of:

  • Arithmetic and algebra. Fractions, parenthesis rules, factorization, reduction of rational fractions, laws of exponents, roots.
  • Equations and inequalities. Formulas. Equations, equation systems and inequalities of first and second degree. Factorization of polynomials. Irrational equations.
  • Functions. The meaning of functions, linear functions, equations for straight lines, polynomial functions, rational functions, limits, asymptotes, coordinate system, polar coordinates, discussion.
  • Differentiation. Rules of differentiation. How to solve problems of monotony, max/min, slope, and point of inflection. Function analysis.
  • Integration. Indefinite and definite integrals, different methods of integration. Area computations. Volume of solid of revolution. Numerical integration.
  • Exponential- and logarithmic functions. Briggs and natural logarithms. Rules for logarithms and exponentials. Functional analysis including graphical drawing.
  • Trigonometry. Definition of trigonometric functions. Triangle calculations, area and volume, sinus law, cosine law. Angles, degrees, and radians. Trigonometric equations. Functional analysis including graphical drawing.
  • Vector calculus. Vectors in two and three dimensions, vector coordinates, scalar product, vector product, scalar triple product. Use vector calculus to find angles, lengths, area, and volume.
  • Parameterised motion in two dimensions. Middle-latitude sailing and great-circle navigation. Compass course and conversion between three dimensional coordinates to longitude and latitude.

Skills - The student:

  • Is able to understand and use mathematical rules and techniques within the topics of the course.
  • Is able to analyse and solve different problems.

General qualifications - The student:

  • Has insight in mathematics as a tool for other courses and can use logical and analytical methods relevant in further nautical science studies.

Entry requirements


Nautical Science Y-vei- students must have approved work requirements in NABY0001.

Recommended previous knowledge

Mathematics equal to higher education entrance qualification.

Teaching methods

Lectures and joint exercise sessions.

Compulsory learning activities

Tests, Assignments and Peer assessments:

  • Tests: 3 out of 3 tests must be passed.
  • Assignments: 2 out of 2 assignments must be passed.
  • Peer assessments: 4 assignments done by 4 other fellow students must be graded.


Written exam 5 hours.

Grading scale A-F.

Examination support material

Approveded calculator: Casio fx-991EX and Casio fx-991CW. "Standard, non-programmable calculator" as specified in Examination support material is also allowed.

Technical table of formulas: "Teknisk formelsamling" (Pedersen, Gustavsen, Kaasa and Olsen).

More about examination support material

Course reductions

  • NAB1012 - Matematikk I - Reduction: 5 studypoints
  • NAB1013 - Matematikk II - Reduction: 4 studypoints
  • NAB1007 - Matematikk - Reduction: 9 studypoints
  • NAB1030 - Grunnleggjande matematikk - Reduction: 9 studypoints
  • NAB2010 - Anvendt matematikk - Reduction: 1 studypoints