SA6-405 Leading Systematic Change in Operative Units
Course description for academic year 2025/2026
Contents and structure
In this course, the main foucus is on planning, running and developing work units in the health and welfare sector. Taking as its startingpoint systemic theory and learning theory, the course deals with concrete challenges that the students can meet as managers. The leader's facilitation of collective problem solving and collective development and improvement work is central.
Learning Outcome
- With a backdrop of central theories, models and research based knowledge about quality improvement, the student will have thorough knowledge about:
- Theory about learning and development of knowledge on an individual, group and organizational level
- The prevalence and consequences of lack of quality
- How the society's development, resources, professional development and aspects about the services influence quality
- System, method and tools for improving quality
- WIth the backdrop of central theories, models and research based knowledge about quality improvement, the student will:
- Be able to apply theoy to analyze a quality improvement work
- Be able to use relevant knowledge and advanced analytical tools to uncover and understand quality issues in the services
- Be able to use relevant knowledge and acquired skills for planning, executing and evaluating an improvement work
General competency:
- Being able to contribute to and initiate systematic quality improvement in the service using acquired knowledge and skills
- Being able to disemminate knowledge and skills about improvement work in one's own organization
Entry requirements
Teaching methods
Lectures and group work with case
Individual supervision in drafting a text about development processes at one's own place of work
Compulsory learning activities
Three short papers (800 to 1200 pages each) produced between seminars
Term paper
Individually drafted text (approx. 4000 words) about improvement work at one's own place of work.
The exam will be assessed on an A - F grades scale, where F is failed.
Students who have failed or have a legitimate leave of absence can hand in a revised version of the paper for new assessment the following semester. If you wish to improve your grade, the revised text can be submitted the next time the exam is held.
Examination support material
More about examination support materialCourse reductions
- SA6-405 - Leiing av forbetringsarbeid i grunneiningar - Reduction: 15 studypoints
- SA6-400 - Leiing av forbetringsarbeid i grunneiningar - Reduction: 13.5 studypoints
- SA667 - Drift av grunneining - Reduction: 13.5 studypoints
- GR122 - Organisering av helse og sosialtenester til eldre - Reduction: 13.5 studypoints