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BO6-2011 Bachelor´s Thesis

Course description for academic year 2025/2026

Contents and structure

The bachelor thesis is a research- or development project carried out independently by the students under supervision. Therefore, the students must use their specialist knowledge and research on practical and theoretical research questions.

The bachelor thesis is written in groups of 3 - 4 students. It is possible to apply for adaptation of the study situation to complete the course in a smaller group.

Learning Outcome


The candidate:

  • Has specialized knowledge of the relevant theories and methods to explore the chosen research problem.
  • Is familiar with research and development work relevant to the selected research problem.


The candidate:

  • Can give an account of an academic research problem.
  • Can develop a research question of scholarly or societal interest within topics relevant to the study program.
  • Can find, choose, and specialize in theories pertinent to the research problem.
  • Can evaluate and select methods that are relevant to the research problem.
  • Can plan and collect empirical data.
  • Can analyze data and discuss the findings in a scholarly manner.
  • Can evaluate the findings and conclude.
  • Can plan and carry out a project with limited resources.

General Competence

The candidate:

  • Can plan and carry out a project over time, following the ethical requirements and principles and GDPR.
  • Can interact with the supervisor and te group to plan and carry out the project.
  • Can communicate research problems, academic subject matters, and solutions in writing and oral.
  • Can exchange opinions and experiences with others with a background in the field, thereby contributing to the development of good practice.
  • Shows critical thinking skills and consciousness of how their values can affect their research.

Entry requirements

Passed at least 90 credits before registering for classes in the fall semester.

Students on Bachelor of Business and Administration and Bachelor in Business Law must at least have approved compulsory learning activities in BØA115 Statistics.

Students on Bachelor in Tourism, Marketing & Management, Real Estate Management, economics and law and Nature Based Tourism and Nature Guiding must at least have approved compulsory learning activities in ME6-1001 Statistics.

Recommended previous knowledge

Approved compulsory learning activities in ME6-1002 Research Methods in Social Science

Teaching methods

The bachelor thesis is an independent work carried out by student groups of 3 - 4 students. Therefore, the students are responsible for progressing and formulating the bachelor thesis. A series of seminars and videos prepares the students to write the bachelor thesis. However, active supervision is also an essential learning method in this course. Each student group receives four sessions of supervision. The bachelor thesis guidelines at the Faculty of Technology, Environmental and Social Sciences provide further information regarding supervision.

Compulsory learning activities

The course has four compulsory learning activities, one in the autumn and three in the spring:


  1. Project outline


  1. Arrange, prepare, and actively participate in the compulsory supervision meeting and sign the supervision contract.
  2. Oral reflection on how their values can affect their research. It is carried out as part of the supervision meetings but must be an addition to the compulsory supervision meeting.
  3. Participate actively in the poster workshop and submit the finished poster for the bachelor's thesis. This includes one peer assessment.

The group work is a test of the ability to interact. Students who don't contribute sufficiently can be taken out of their group and get an unapproved course, even before the written part of the work is delivered.


Bachelor thesis, written in groups of 3 - 4 students, with an individual adjusting oral exam.

The oral adjusting exam lasts 20 minutes per student. It is based on the thesis, with the first part based on a topic drawn by the students and the second part based on questions from the sensors.

Gradescalee A - F, where F is a fail.

Examination support material

Written thesis:


Adjusting oral exam:


More about examination support material