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BRL107 Developing experiences

Course description for academic year 2025/2026

Contents and structure

Through the course programme the students will become familiarized with different ways to analyze and understand tourism experiences, and get to know systems/ tools used to assess quality and develop commersial experience products. The course combines theory and practice as the students use theorical frameworks on their own experiences from three weeks business practice.

The course streches over two semesters, where the first semster begins with a pre-practice seminar before the students go out in practice. In the second semester students will hand in a practice report with reflections on the experience products they were engaged in through the practice period. These experiences will then be combined with theories and tools tied to quality assessments and experience development.

Learning Outcome


The student:

  • Has knoweldge about the experience economy and different ways to analyze and understand commercial experiences.
  • Has knowledge about how to assess and test experience products.
  • Has knowledge about how to use customers and employees in the development of experience products.


The student:

  • Can master professional tools to assess and develop experience products and develop new experience products.
  • Can use employees, customers and information about customers as resources in improvement- and development work.

General competencies

The student:

  • can use professional knowledge and relevant results from research and development work on practical and theoretical issues.
  • knows how to, and have experience with, work to develop experience products in small and medium sized businesses.

Entry requirements


Recommended previous knowledge

Th course build on the courses Reiselivskunnskap, Organisasjon og ledelse, Markedsføring og Temabasert reiseliv og storytelling

Teaching methods

Lectures, group works, work practice and seminars

Compulsory learning activities

The mandatory assigment is tied to the work practice at the end of fourth semester. The students have a three weeks work practice in a busisess that offers experience products. The mandatory assigment cosists of a pre-practice seminar, three weeks work practice, a witten report from practice, and an oral presentation. All parts of the mandatory assignment must be approved. The mandatory assignment is judged based on passed/ not passed.


Written 3-days home exam, judged from A-F

Examination support material

On written home exams, all written sources are permitted.

More about examination support material