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BYG104 Building Physics

Course description for academic year 2025/2026

Contents and structure

Buildings are responsible for 40 % of the Worlds energy use. Shortages in resources and national and international goal to reduce climate gas emissions makes energy efficiency in buildings an important factor to meet the goals. When changes are made in excisting buildings temperatures in the structure changes, something tha t also effect moisure conditions. Knowledge about heat- and moisture conditions and how they relate to oneanother is important when planning, constructing and operating a building.


  • Structural knowledge and details
  • Heattransfer
  • Energy requirements in relevant building regulations
  • Criteria for low energy- and passive houses
  • Moisture- transfer and safety in structures
  • Solutions for ventilation
  • Solutions for heating
  • Indoor climate
  • Basic fire theory
  • Universal Design

Learning Outcome

Knowledge: know basic principles in the field of building physics and requirements and criteria in the regulations.

Skills: be able to document and develop solutions for energy efficient buildings that are safe in regards to moisture.

General qualifications: have insight in hollistic planning of energy efficient and moisture- proof buildings.

Entry requirements


Teaching methods

Lectures, project work in group, work shops.

Compulsory learning activities



Project work in group, counts for 40% of the grade.

Written exam, 4 hours, counts for 60% of the grade.

Both the project work and the written exam must be passed to get a grade in the course.

Grading scale is A-F, where F is fail.

Examination support material

Project work in group: All support material is permitted.

Written exam: All calculator models.

More about examination support material

Course reductions

  • TOB011 - Energieffektive bygningar - Reduction: 5 studypoints