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BYG113 Physical planning

Course description for academic year 2025/2026

Contents and structure

How to locate and infill new buildings and infrastructures so they contribute to a good physical environment? How to make city streets and urban spaces available to everyone? How can the management of surface water be included as a resource for adventure, playing and biodiversity?

The course provides an introduction to physical planning and deals with planning issues related to sustainable development and densification. The aim is to give the students knowledge of the requirements of the Planning and Building Act and plan framework, including topics as environment, climate, energy, universal design and aesthetic design of the surroundings.

The subject contains a project assignment that includes a detailed plan for a development area, where . emphasis will be placed on technical infrastructure and the conceptual and design part of the planning work.

Learning Outcome


  • have knowledge of laws and plan framework
  • have knowledge of planning theory and urban history
  • know the indicators and methods for place analysis and impact assessments
  • have knowledge of design principles for buildings, urban spaces and infrastructure


  • can use legislation and national guidelines to ensure the quality of the environment
  • can use methods of location analysis that support physical planning
  • can design and evaluate various solutions and explain the consequences of these


  • can obtain relevant information as the basis for place analysis and urban design
  • can work independently and collaborate with others on planning academic issues
  • can communicate technical issues both orally and in writing

Entry requirements


Recommended previous knowledge

BYG110 Spatial Planning

Teaching methods

Learning methods and activities will be a mixture of traditional lecturing, class discussions, project work in groups and student presentations.

Compulsory learning activities

3 mandatory assignments.

The mandatory assignments are valid in 4 semesters.


Exam in two parts:

  • Project work (60%).
  • Written exam (40%), 3 hours.

Both parts must be passed to pass the course.

The grading scale used is A to F. Grade A is the highest passing grade in the grading scale, grade F is a fail.

Examination support material

Project work: All support material is permitted.

Written exam: Planning and Building Act allowed.

More about examination support material

Course reductions

  • TOB052 - Arealplanlegging - Reduction: 10 studypoints