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DAT253 Advanced Computer Graphics

Course description for academic year 2025/2026

Contents and structure

The course covers central topics and new developments in computer graphics such 3D scanning and printing, game engine programming (Unity3D), Virtual Reality and real-time ray tracing.

The course consists of two parts. In the first part the students gets a hands-on introduction to geometry representation and geometry processing through the practical task of digitizing and reproducing a physical object. The second part complements this by teaching how to accurately render geometry with photorealistic ray tracing.

Learning Outcome


The student will learn the basics of:

  • Data structures for manipulating and for rendering surfaces
  • Representing volumetric data
  • Transforming from implicit to parametric surface representation using the marching tetrahedra algorithm
  • Programming for Virtual Reality and interaction with 3D objects
  • Light transport and the principles of ray tracing


The students will be able to:

  • Reproduce scanned physical objects
  • Prepare a surface mesh for 3D printing and printing it
  • Create Virtual Reality applications
  • Implement a real-time ray tracer in GPU shading language
  • Perform graphics programming in the Unity game engine


  • The competence gained in this course will prepare the student for the emerging field of digital modelling and fabrication.
  • The student will be able to use the Unity game engine for designing tailored and advanced computer graphics solutions, including Virtual Reality solutions.
  • The student will get an introduction to ray tracing, the rendering technology behind animation movies and motion pictures special effects.

Entry requirements


Recommended previous knowledge

General knowledge in mathematics and computer science. It is an advantage if the student has already taken an introductory course in computer graphics.

Teaching methods

Lectures, practical and theoretical exercises and student projects with presentation.

Compulsory learning activities

The course has three mandatory programming assignments.

The assignments must be submitted within set deadlines and must be approved before examination can take place.


Oral exam in Norwegian or English. Duration for each candidate is between 20 and 40 minutes

Grading scale is A-F where F is fail

Examination support material

No support materials.

More about examination support material