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DRA304 Theatre history and theatre production

Course description for academic year 2025/2026

Contents and structure

The module is not offered 2025/2026.

This is the second module in the spring semester. Focus is on theatre history and theatre production. The module introduces theatre history with a special focus on classical theatre, dramaturgy and traditions. Actor training, script work and production work will be central.

The module is open for exchange students. 5 credits in Process drama (PDR100) will be offered to fill a three months exchange study.

Learning Outcome

When the course is completed, the student should have the following overall learning outcomes defined in terms of knowledge, skills and general competence:


The student

  • has obtained knowledge of Theatre history with a special focus on western theatre
  • has obtained knowledge of theatrical means of expression in different theatre genres.


The student

  • can make use of a variety of bodily and vocal expressions
  • know how to analyze text and work on dramatic texts
  • can make use of theatrical means of expression and eras

General competence

The student

  • can play different roles
  • can be part of an ensemble

Entry requirements


Recommended previous knowledge

  • DRA300 Bildung and academic craft
  • DRA301A Entering drama
  • DRA302 Storytelling
  • DRA303A Drama pedagogy

Teaching methods

Scenic production through individual, group, and full class work, theatre mediation, workshops, lectures and tutorials.

Compulsory learning activities

The following mandatory learning activities must be approved by the course instructor before the student can present themselves for examination:

  • In pairs or individually the student choose to do study a period in the theatre history. The students are doing an oral presentation where they combine lecture and practical demonstration to exemplify. Scope: ca. 30 min pr. Student if individual presentation, ca.50 min for pairwork.
  • Oral presentation in pairs (ca. 60 min) or individual (ca.30 min) of a chosen period, a theatre artist, or dramatist from the theatre history.The presentation shall be a combination of lecture and practical examples.
  • A written analytical text in pairs (min. 3000 words) or individual (min. 1500 words) connected to a part of the theatre history.
  • Attendance is expected in all practical lectures/workshops, and presence during coaching in theatre production. Maximum 20% absence is accepted.

If a mandatory learning activity is assessed as not approved, written feedback shall be provided on this matter. Students who do not have one or more learning activities approved are offered the opportunity to correct errors and deficiencies (once) during the semester. Mandatory learning activities must be approved no later than three weeks before the examination.

There will be guidelines for oral and written work connected to theatre history. The students will be introduced to this when the module starts.


Practical-methodical group exam. Based on classical theatre, students in ensembles will produce a performance (Approximately 7 students per ensemble, with a duration of about 25 minutes per performance). The exam is a presentation of this performance.

The group will get a collective grade where the production as a whole is assessed.

Grading scale: A-F, where F corresponds to fail.

New/postponed practical exam will be performed individually.

Examination support material

The students are free to use costumes, props, light, and sound.

More about examination support material