FYS220 Physiotheraphy in Health Promotion and Preventive work
Course description for academic year 2025/2026
Contents and structure
The course "Healthpromotive and preventive work - Physiotherapists role" focus on people (individuals, vulnerabel groups and population), environment, society and the interaction between people, environment and society.
Health promotion is described as the process of enabling people to get increased control over- and improve their health. To reach this goal, it is necessary to identify needs and aspirations, and through motivational work, social- and cultural support and adjustment of the environment, guide people to learning, healthy living and developement, in order to cope better within their lives. (For references, see next paragraph)
The course is also directed towards preventive work, where focus is on persons movements in interaction with their environment, and the process of making arenas more safe and healthy, work arenaes as an important example. To reach this goal it is necessary to identify and reduce physical and psychosocial risk factors, and increase environmental and personal factors promoting health. (Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion, 1986. The UNs sustainabel society goals, 2015. The Norwegian Act of Public health 2011. The Norwegian Act of Working environment, 2005. The Norwegian Act of Community based health- and caring services, 2011).
The course are organised in two main projects and one sub-project:
- Physiotherapy in the field of occupational health.
Physiotherapy in the field of public health.
- Subproject: Testing physical capacity and organisng physical activity.
Learning Outcome
A student who has completed the course should have the following learning outcomes defined in terms of knowledge, skills and general competence:
The student..
- has broad knowledge of health, function, quality of life and coping, included influencing factors.
- has broad knowledge of following factors as approaches in promotive and preventive health work: Health literacy, motivation, movement, physical activity, exercise, ergonomics, nutrition, hygiene and infection control.
- has knowledge of health- and social policy, political planning and decision-making processes and innovation.
The student....
- can investigate the state of health, riskfactors and resources, in different groups and situations in the population, and follow this knowledge up systematically.
- can motivate and guide participants, public and professionals, who are in the process of learning, coping, changing, developing.
- can use technology to promote health and participation, both at individual-, group- and society level
- can critically assess existing information regarding health, lifestyle, motivation and coping strategies.
- can present professional knowledge on work health and public health, adapted to different contexts and target groups, oral and written, both public and academic forms.
General competence:
The student...
- has insight into how different determinants on health and disease interact and affect health, function, life quality and participation
- can plan, implement and assess measures that promote good work health and public health, both as physiotherapists and as an integrated part of counter professional teams.
- can plan and implement systematic development projects and participate in service innovation
Entry requirements
The course is primarily open only to students who have been admitted to a bachelor's degree in physiotherapy. The course is also available to physiotherapy and health students from partner institutions HVL has an agreement with, who have at least 90 ECTS or an equivalent.
Passed all the subjects of the three previous semesters.
Recommended previous knowledge
Teaching methods
Lectures that provide summaries of the knowledge base within public health, work health, healthpromotion and preventive work.
Project work in groups, where the groups work with real challenges in the fields of occupational health and public health. 1-2 weeks of fieldwork are integrated in project work.
The project work are presented in seminars and in written reports with the intention of integrating, applying and presenting central professional knowledge.
Compulsory learning activities
The following learning activities must be approved for students to sit for exam:
- Activ participation:
- 80% at introduction lectures and student active learning; group-, and project work,
- Seminar presentations in group: Peer learning. Presenting poster on work health. Presenting reflections on testing of physical capacity and organising physical activity.
- Field work for a total of 1-2 weeks.
- Hand in:
- Group note and group poster in project on workplace analysis. (Project 1)
- PP file on testing physical capacity and organising physical activity for different target groups. (Project 2, subproject 1)
- Individual reflection note describes and discusses learning processes in group and individual. (Full course)
Information and descriptions about the mandatory learning activities will be on canvas.
The work requirements are valid for 4 semesters
1) Written project assignment in group, project public health (Project 2. Main grade A-F)
2) Oral presentation of project work, in group in seminar, with opposition and examination. (Adjusting grade)
Information and descriptions about the assessment will be on canvas.
Time and place for the exam, See Studentweb..
Assessment terms
Graded scale A to F, where A to E are passed grades and F is not passed
Examination support material
Spesific tools:
- The student's own computer with an openly, prepared PP file for presentation.
- Notes with keywords for the presentation.
More about examination support materialCourse reductions
- BFY225 - Health Promotion and Preventive Work - Reduction: 15 studypoints