ING2046 Building Design for Fire Safety
Course description for academic year 2025/2026
Contents and structure
Good building design is important for the community and the users. This course will teach students the way laws and regulations affect the building design. The students will design a building regarding appearence, functionality and fire safety.
Learning Outcome
The student
- Can explain the structure and the main objectives of the building act and associated regulations.
- Can provide a theoretical interpretation of the construction process.
- Can describe the historical relationship between the design of the building and fire safety.
- Can create the fire safety documentation related to buildings based on pre-accepted solutions.
- Can explain main subjects in the field of fire safety engineering.
- Can describe function of the fire department.
- Can find and describe research and development in the field.
- Updates knowledge related to research and development in the field.
The student can
- Design a building based on the Planning and Building Act, associated regulations and guidelines focusing on fire safety (pre accepted solutions).
- Document the fire safety of buildings based on pre-accepted solutions which are descripted in technical regulations under the Planning and Building Act.
- Prepare a fire safety strategy as fundamental work for design groups.
- Draw buildings and construction details using CAD systems.
- Describe material properties in relation to fire safety based on experimental results.
- Reflect on her/his professional practice, individually and in teamwork, and adjust this under guidance.
-General qualification:
The student:
- Is able to discuss the major difficulties between building design and fire protection. Regarding the ethical duties related to different users.
- Can present the fire safety knowledge verbal and written with help of different presentation methods to different involved groups.
- Can reflect in teams on his work in the team and schedule tasks.
- Can identify solutions in the field and contribute to discussion over significance and impact of the solution.
Entry requirements
Recommended previous knowledge
Teaching methods
Lectures, exercises, demonstractions and laboratory work.
Compulsory learning activities
Part 1: Portfolio, accounts for 50 % of the final grade.
Part 2: Oral exam, 30 min, accounts for 50 % of the final grade.
Both parts must be passed.
Grade: A - E / passed; F / failed.
Examination support material
Written exam: Simple calculator: Allowed calculator is Casio fx-82 (all varieties: ES, ES Plus, EX, Solar etc.)
More about examination support materialCourse reductions
- ING2020 - Bygningsteknologi - Reduction: 2 studypoints
- ING2038 - Brannteknisk prosjektering - preaksepterte løysingar - Reduction: 8 studypoints