JU6-1001 Tax Law 1
Course description for academic year 2025/2026
Contents and structure
The course covers the following topics:
• Terms and interpretation rules
• Tax administration and tax payment scheme
• The extent of tax liability to Norway
• Overarching principles for taxation of individuals and companies
• Tax subject
• Income and wealth taxation of individuals
• Framework for value added tax
• Tax and duty rules linked to real estate
Learning Outcome
The student
• has knowledge of the main rules for taxation of income and wealth for individuals.
• knows the overriding principles for taxation of businesses
• has knowledge of the regulations related to tax liability to Norway and which municipality the tax must be paid to
• knows the rules regarding tax liability in connection with the letting and sale of real estate
• has knowledge of the VAT regulations
• knows the regulations regarding letting and voluntary registration of value added tax linked to real estate
• has knowledge of the tax handling of property received as a gift or inheritance
• has knowledge of basic tax administration law, tax payment and central rules for setting aside
The student
• can calculate ordinary income, personal income and taxable wealth based on tax law, regulations, tax decisions and assessment rules.
• can calculate taxes based on regulations, tax decisions and assessment rules.
• can find out whether rental income and capital gains linked to real estate are taxable and calculate taxable income/deductions for losses.
• can assess and handle VAT-related transactions in a business
• can make ethical reflections on tax planning.
General competence:
The student
• can acquire up-to-date knowledge within the knowledge- and skills area mentioned above.
• can convey central subject matter through relevant forms of expression and can exchange points of view with other professionals.
• can see the subject in a larger context in a societal perspective
Entry requirements
Recommended previous knowledge
Teaching methods
Lectures and seminar with problem solving.
Compulsory learning activities
Two written work requirements. Work requirements must be met in order to sit for the exam.
Written school exam, 4 hours.
Grading scale A-F
Examination support material
Lovdata pro in exam mode (with the incorporations that Lovdata has allowed, and with access to all laws, preparatory work, regulations, case law from the Supreme Court and the courts of appeal, and everything from EEA and EU legal sources, unless the subject responsible has determined otherwise).
More about examination support materialCourse reductions
- JU6-1004 - Skatte- og avgiftsrett for eigendomsmeglarar - Reduction: 7.5 studypoints
- JU6-202 - Skatte- og avgiftsrett - Reduction: 3.5 studypoints
- EM6-102 - Skatte- og avgiftsrett for eiendomsmeglere - Reduction: 3.5 studypoints
- ØKB2006 - Skatte- og avgiftsrett 1 - Reduction: 7.5 studypoints
- ØBR111 - Skatte- og avgiftsrett 1 - Reduction: 7.5 studypoints