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LUPEKI204 Research and Development Assignment: The Researching Teacher

Course description for academic year 2025/2026

Contents and structure

The Research and Development Assignment (FoU-oppgaven) provides students with a unique opportunity to deepen their academic knowledge and explore relevant topics and issues related to physical education and sports sciences. Through the course, students gain knowledge of scientific theory, research design, methods, and ethics, along with practical training in academic reading and writing. The assignment is typically written in pairs, but students may apply to the course coordinator for permission to work alone or in groups of three if there is a valid reason.

The assignment must be passed before the student can proceed to the master's thesis.

Learning Outcome

Upon completing the course, the student will achieve the following learning outcomes:


The student:

  • has knowledge of research and research methods relevant to physical education and sports sciences.
  • understands key issues within schools, physical education, sports, and public health.
  • has knowledge of research ethics, scientific theory, and research methodology.


The student:

  • can apply research methods relevant to studies in physical education and sports sciences.
  • is able to use knowledge of scientific theory and methodology to design their own Research and Development (FoU) assignment.
  • has both master's-level and professional-level digital competence in physical education and sports sciences.
  • demonstrates proficiency in academic writing.

General Competence

The student:

  • is capable of assessing relevant research and research methods and discussing their significance for schools and professional practice.
  • can plan and participate in development and change processes within schools, physical education, and sports sciences, as well as critically evaluate them afterward.
  • is able to make ethical considerations related to their own FoU assignment, profession-relevant research, and development work.
  • is able to communicate key subject matter, including theories, issues, and solutions, both in writing and orally.
  • has insight into relevant professional and ethical issues.

Teaching methods

The teaching and learning methods in this course are largely based on lectures, group work, and individual work, with a focus on student-centered learning approaches. For the Research and Development (FoU) assignment, two students are primarily expected to work together.

Compulsory learning activities

The following mandatory learning activities must be approved for the student to qualify for the exam:

  • Completion of at least three supervision sessions with the supervisor

    • The sessions should focus on agreeing on key subject matter, theories, the research question, and the methodology for the assignment.
  • Seminar 1: Group presentation of a scientific article

    • The student must present, interpret, and critically evaluate the content of the article and lead the subsequent discussion, demonstrating the ability to communicate effectively.
  • Seminar 2: Oral and visual presentation of their own FoU assignment

    • The presentation (e.g., poster) must demonstrate the student’s knowledge of and ability to defend their assignment when faced with questions.
  • Seminar 3: Focus on academic writing

    • Students will present in small groups, providing and receiving feedback on each other's written texts.

If a mandatory learning activity is not approved, the student will receive written feedback. Students who do not meet the requirements for one or more learning activities will be given the opportunity to correct errors and deficiencies (once) or complete an alternative activity assigned by the course instructor. The new attempt must be conducted within the current semester, by the specified deadlines, and no later than three weeks before the exam period begins.

Detailed guidelines for mandatory learning activities will be provided at the start of the semester.


Written Research and Development (FoU) Assignment in Groups

Length: 5,000 words +/- 10%.

Language: Can be written in norwegian or english

Grading Scale: A-F, where F indicates a failing grade.

If the assignment is not approved, students may submit a revised version in the following semester. A revised version with the same research question may only be submitted once. After that, a completely new assignment must be written. It is not possible to submit a revised version of a passed group assignment.

Examination support material

All aids are permitted.

More about examination support material