MGUEN402 English 2, module 2 - Communication in Language, Literature and Culture
Course description for academic year 2025/2026
Contents and structure
The courses in English in Teacher Education aim to develop your academic, didactic and practical competence within the areas of language, literature and culture.
This is subject 2 in the subject English 2 for grades 5-10 in primary school teacher education (GLU). English 2 consists of two sub-courses of 15 credits each. Course 2 consists of two parts: a term paper and an oral exam. The course descriptions for English 2 are based on National guidelines for primary school teacher education in grades 5-10 (2016) and are part of a five-year primary school teacher education with a master's degree. The course is open to incoming students. English 2, course 2b will further develop the student's knowledge of how we communicate through language, texts and culture, and how this affects English teaching at the intermediate and secondary level. The course includes knowledge of the language's structure and use, and various strategies for communication, both written and oral. It also focuses on how different types of text, including new media, communicate. In addition, the course includes further development of the student's own language skills, text competence and academic competence, among other things through a term paper corresponding to 7.5 study points.
Learning Outcome
The student
- Has in-depth knowledge of language structures with emphasis on discourse analysis and sociolinguistic perspectives
- Has knowledge of how context affects communication
- Has extensive knowledge of how children and young people learn languages
- Has good insight into various approaches and methods related to teaching and learning language subjects
- Has a good knowledge of a rich selection of texts, including multimodal texts and texts in new media, and how these communicate
The student
- Can use and explain linguistic concepts and can select and arrange language assignments for the intermediate and upper secondary level
- Can discuss orally and in writing a rich selection of fiction and non-fiction, and has knowledge of the structure and linguistic means of texts, and of critical and analytical approaches to literature and other texts
- Can plan and lead varied and differentiated learning activities, including digital and the use of new media, which promotes in-depth learning and the development of basic skills, and can facilitate students' independent language learning and self-assessment
- Can critically assess one's own professional practice with regard to the curriculum in English for primary and lower secondary school
- Can use English orally and in writing with confidence in different genres
- Can find, refer to and reflect on English academic research literature and write academic academic texts
General competence
The student
- Can reflect on his / her role as an English teacher with regard to ethical values and the school's responsibility for children and young people's professional and personal growth
- Can work independently and with others to facilitate students' learning and development
- Can maintain and develop own linguistic and didactic competence
- Has good insight into research and development work in the English subject
Entry requirements
Recommended previous knowledge
English 1 (MGUEN101/MGUEN102 and MGUEN201/MGUEN202) or equivalent courses.
Teaching methods
Teaching will primarily consist of lectures, seminars, group-work, individual work, discussion and presentation. The course requires systematic work with exercises and active participation in class. The learning platform Canvas will be used to relay information and provide feedback on student work.
Compulsory learning activities
Three individual assignments which are subject to approval by the lecturer.
Mandatory learning activities must be approved no later than 2 weeks before the exam. If a mandatory learning activity is assessed as not approved, a reason must be given for this. Students who are not approved for an mandatory learning activity will, as far as possible within the set deadlines, be given another attempt in the current semester.
Approved mandatory learning activities are valid the following one semester. Approved attendance never expires.
Two-part exam, including the term paper and an oral examination.
- Term paper, 3000 words +/- 10 % (weighted 50 %)
- Individual oral examination, 30 minutes (weighted 50 %)
The exam is graded A-F. F is a failing grade.
Both parts must be passed to get a grade in the course. If the candidate does not pass one of the parts, the part that has not been passed can be taken as a new exam.
If the term paper does not receive a passing mark, the candidate must register for a new exam within the deadline. Supervision will not be offered for the new exam.
Examination support material
- Oral exam: None
- Term paper: All. For more information about the use of artificial intelligence read Submission of home exams and assignments.