MOA272 Spatial planning
Course description for academic year 2025/2026
Contents and structure
The course's focus is on receiving knowledge on and to develop skills to adapt theory, research results and various analyses method in the physical planning of urban areas. Insight in various urban theories, research results and various planning processes will be given. Furthermore, the focus will be on how the built environment put frames on the social and economic activities and the sustainable development for the individual and society. Topics, such as urban renewal, reuse of centrally located industrial areas, lively and good urban dwelling- and central areas and the inter relationship between street network and land use (diversity and building density) will be referred to. The emphasis will be on how a sustainable development can be simulated through a coordinated land use and transport planning on a local level. The course is a continuation of the course MOA252.
Learning Outcome
The candidate
- Has insights and overview over various urban planning theories.
- Has knowledge on various planning systems relevant for urban planning.
- Has advanced knowledge on various spatial methods for analysing urban areas.
The candidate
- Can carry out various spatial analyses on built environments in the field of urban morphology, place phenomenology and space syntax.
- Can evaluate the quality of various existing plans of urban areas.
- Can make strategic spatial plans in existing urban areas.
Overall competence
The candidate
- Can reflect upon ethical, philosophical and scientific challenges on how a city function and to what extend sustainable development has been taken into account in the plans.
- Has understandings on the relationship between the build environment and the social and economic life in cities.
- Has understandings on how to develop the physical frames for a sustainable development.
- Has understandings on the use of various methods seen together with the various current societal challenges in cites.
Entry requirements
Recommended previous knowledge
The student should have finished MOA252 Sustainability and land use planning or similar courses.
Teaching methods
The teaching will take place in forms of lectures, discussion, short exercises, case studies, student presentations and supervision of the project. The course will be given in English, if there are international students. The answer of the assignment can be given in English or Norwegian. All the literature is in English.
Compulsory learning activities
Requirements for attendance at oral presentation at midway and end presentations.
Presentation of the semester assignment.
Submission of the semester work.
Approved compulsory assignments are valid for 4 semesters.
The grades (A-F) will be made on the following deliverables:
- A semester assignment (group work) up to 5000 words (40%).
- An individual 2-days home exam (from 09:00 day one to 14:00 day two) up to 4000 words (60 %).
When failing, a new individual home exam must be done or a new submission of an improved version of the individual assignment with a new presentation for the teachers must be done. The student can choose to finish one of the required assignments and to keep the marks from the other required assignments.
Examination support material
A semester assignment (group work): All support material is permitted.
An individual 2-days home exam: All support material is permitted.
More about examination support material