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OR6-1008 Management

Course description for academic year 2025/2026

Contents and structure

Diversity is becoming increasingly relevant to working life, management of diversity represents therefore critical competence for today's and tomorrow's managers. The course embraces dimensions of management from both national and international perspective and the students gain a good insight into the new roles and responsibilities of current and future managers: On the one hand traditional activities including handling cultural diversity within the organization, on the other hand optimizing challenges and opportunities that may arise from external stakeholders across national cultures.

The perspective in this course is the managers' new roles regardless of industries and sectors, public or private. Theories and models used in the course are equally relevant to monocultural as well as multicultural situations and organisations.


  • Globalization
  • Describe and compare national cultures and influence on management.
  • Cultural intelligence
  • Decision making and cultural diversity
  • Interaction and communication with cultural diversity
  • Negotiations and cultural diversity
  • Motivation and leadership with cultural diversity
  • Manage multicultural teams
  • Management challenges and Sustainability
  • Personal development goals througout the course: identify cultural differences, not judge other cultures!

Learning Outcome


The candidate...

  • has broad knowledge of central themes, theories, issues, processes, tools and methods within management, including management of multicultural organisations.
  • has knowledge of cultural intelligence and the influence of national cultures on management.
  • has knowledge about relevant research within management and can update his knowledge within the areas of management and multicultural management.
  • has knowledge of the subject's history, traditions, uniqueness and place in society.


The candidate...

  • can apply professional knowledge and relevant results from research and development work to practical and theoretical issues related to the management of organizations in a Mono/multicultural context and make reasoned choices.
  • can reflect on own professional practice and adjust this under guidance
  • can find, evaluate and refer to relevant information and research and present this in such a way that it illuminates issues related to the management of organizations in a multicultural context.
  • can master relevant professional tools, methods and professional concepts.

General competence

The candidate...

  • has insight into relevant professional and ethical issues related to the management of organizations in a multicultural context and awareness of the range and diversity of dimensions, roles and tasks that are part of the management of today's and tomorrow's organizations.
  • can plan and carry out varied tasks and projects that extend over time, alone and as a participant in a group, and in line with ethical requirements and guidelines
  • can convey central research and litterature such as theories, problems and solutions both in writing, orally and through other relevant forms of expression
  • can exchange views and experiences with others with a background within the subject area and through this contribute to the development of good practice
  • develop awareness of and reflect on issues that may arise in multicultural situations, both on a personal and professional level.
  • Educational goals with a strong focus throughout the course: Develop cultural empathy and be taught to identify cultural differences, not judge other cultures!

Entry requirements

BØA 112 Organisasjon og leiing or equivalent.

Recommended previous knowledge

OR6-1005 Strategy or equivilant.

Teaching methods

Lectures, seminar, assignments for team work/individual work.

Compulsory learning activities

  • One mandatory written assignment
  • Pass/fail


Written schoolexam.

5 hours.

Note A-F

Examination support material


More about examination support material

Course reductions

  • OR6-302 - Endringsleiing - Reduction: 7.5 studypoints
  • RE6-209 - Serviceledelse - Reduction: 7.5 studypoints
  • OR6-1002 - Leiing og strategi - Reduction: 7.5 studypoints
  • ØAA113 - Innovasjons- og endringsleiing - Reduction: 3.5 studypoints