RAD320 Professional and Behavioural Aspects of Patient Care in Radiography
Course description for academic year 2025/2026
Contents and structure
This subject focuses on aspects of the Radiographer's role, tasks and responsibilities when interacting with the patient, next of kin or other health personnel. The study of chosen topics that deal with the radiographer's professionalism and behavior as a caregiver will give the student an opportunity to reflect upon situations where different considerations and demands must be weighed up against one another in decision-making processes. The subject deals with communication, conflicts of values, ethical dilemmas, respect and reflection, and factors affecting the Radiographer as a professional practitioner. These challenges are studied on individual basis, group basis and on society basis.
Learning Outcome
A student who has completed the course should have the following learning outcomes defined in terms of knowledge, skills and general competence.
Knowledge: The student...
- has broad knowledge of and insight into criteria for professional practice and patient care in diagnostic imaging, nuclear medicine and/or radiotherapy departments
- has knowledge of the radiography profession´s history, future perspectives and research
- is familiar with the health and welfare system in Norway
- has knowledge of radiographers' code of conduct
- has knowledge about the value of Professional behavior and empathy in patient care
- has knowledge about the skills needed to recognize and respond to cardiovascular emergencies and to other acute critical illness
- is familiar with different approaches to quality improvement regarding patient care in diagnostic imaging, nuclear medicine or radiation therapy department
- has knowledge of guidelines for research ethics
- has knowledge of innovation and assessment in order to improve quality of patient care
Skills: The student...
- masters communicative and co-operative skills with multicultural, foreign language patients and professionals
- masters communication with patients with psychological, substance abuse or multifunctional challenges
- can reflect upon different ways in which healthcare workers themselves can influence health and social politics
- masters documentation, assessment and improvement of the imaging / nuclear medicine/radiation therapy departments' care, and develops skills and abilities in ethical assessment of the choice of actions and priorities in their own professional practice
- can discuss research findings and evidence-based practice (EBP)
- can discover and enlighten areas where patient care is not optimal, and where improvement is necessary
- masters the first aider's role in case of a cardiovascular emergency and carry out cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) with defibrillator
- knows the steps and can take an active role in simulation
- masters to create his/her own realistic case (in a group) for simulation
- masters to respond to the signs of an acute critical illness
- masters to critically and systematically assess existing routines and procedures regarding patient care and work out quality improvement processes
General competence: The student...
- can plan and carry out a comprehensive approach to patient care (holistic and humanistic) in work in the healthcare team
- can compare and discuss differences and similarities of health priorities in some countries/cultures in Europe
- substantiate the essence and main components of a counseling conversation versus an informative and advisory one (e.g. patients and relatives)
- can carry out a short-time practice-oriented research or clinical Quality Improvement Project (QIP), either independently or in collaboration with colleagues, to improve the quality of care
- can present results of the quality assurance improvement project
- can plan and carry out cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) with defibrillator
- can plan and carry out a simulation process and write a reflection note after the simulation
Entry requirements
Recommended previous knowledge
English B2
Teaching methods
Study methods are lectures, theme days with group work and discussions, demonstrations and practice of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) with defibrillator, and simulation. Total student work per week is 40 hours.
Mandatory work: Approved participation in mandatory work requirements.
Compulsory learning activities
The following compulsory learning activities must be approved for the student to prepare for the exam:
- 80 % attendance in active- and experience based learning sessions
- A sketch of maximum 450 words, describing the plan for the quality improvement project, must be handed in at the end of second week of clinical placement.
- Actively take part in simulation activities at SimArena
- Write a reflection note (groupwise) of 600 words after the simulation
- Norwegian students attend seminar where the international students have exam presentations and give oral feedback.
The work requirements are valid for 3 semesters.
Oral exam 15-20 minutes oral presentation of the Quality Improvement Project (QIP) from the clinical practice, followed by clarifying questions.
Students work together in groups of 2-3 students. Each student must take part in the preparations and the oral presentation. An abstract of maximum 500 words must be handed in two days ahead of the oral exam. The PP presentation/text for the exam must be handed in the day before the first exam day
Grading scale A to F. Grade A is the highest passing grade, grade F is fail.
New exam Groups or individual students that do not pass the exam must hold a new equivalent oral exam corresponding ordinary exam.
Examination support material
More about examination support materialCourse reductions
- BRA320 - Professional and behavioural aspects of patient care in radiography - Reduction: 6 studypoints