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RE6-2004 Reputation & Corporate Communication

Course description for academic year 2025/2026

Contents and structure

The course is made up of two modules: The first module covers analysis of the organisation's identity and reputation. The second module consists of developing a communication strategy with the aim of strengthening and further developing the organisation's reputation. Areas such as crisis management and crisis communication are central throughout the course.


  • Concepts: Reputation, identiy, image, strategic communication
  • Build and communicate organizaional reputation
  • Evaluate organizational identity & reputation
  • Reputation & Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
  • The impact of crisis on organizational reputation
  • Communication strategy and corporate communication planning
  • Communicating Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
  • Crisis management and crisis communication
  • Employee communication

Learning Outcome


The candidate...

  • has broad knowledge of central themes, theories, issues, processes, tools and methods for analyzing and evaluating the organisation's reputation and developing a communication strategy to build the organisation's reputation.
  • knows about research and development work within reputation management and strategic communication and can update his knowledge within the field.
  • has knowledge of the subject's history, traditions, characteristics and place in society.
  • has knowledge of various concepts, tools and processes for reputation building and strategic communication work.


The candidate...

  • can apply professional knowledge and relevant results from research and development work to practical and theoretical issues related to management of reputation building and strategic communication and make reasoned choices.
  • Can carry out an analysis of the organisation's reputation and develop a communication strategy with the aim of building and further developing the organisation's reputation.
  • can reflect on own professional practice and adjust this under guidancecan find, assess and refer to information and subject matter and present this in such a way that it illuminates an issue related to reputation management and strategic communication.
  • can master relevant professional tools, methods and professional concepts.

General competence

The candidate...

  • has insight into relevant professional and ethical issues related to reputation building and strategic communication.
  • can plan and carry out varied tasks and projects that extend over time, alone and as a participant in a group, and in line with ethical requirements and guidelines
  • can convey central topics such as theories, problems and solutions both in writing, orally and through other relevant forms of expression
  • can exchange views and experiences with others with professional background within the subject area and through this contribute to the development of good practice.
  • can identify and manage the organisation's relationships in the best possible way and reflect on issues linked to ethical dilemmas, sustainability and crises.

Entry requirements

BØA 112 Organisasjon og leiing or equivalent.

Recommended previous knowledge

OR6-1005 Strategi

BØA116 Marknadsføring

Teaching methods

Lectures, workshops, team work.

Compulsory learning activities

One mandatory hand-in in groups. Individual hand-in must be accepted by the professor in charge.

Passed/not passed.

Students must pass the hand-in to be registered for the exam.


Portfolio submission.

To be submitted in groups. Individual submission must be accepted by the professor in charge.

Evaluation: A-F

Examination support material

All aids permitted.

More about examination support material