SA6-504 Politics and Policy, governance and innovation in the public sector
Course description for academic year 2025/2026
Contents and structure
The course brings up theories about pubic administration, policy formulation, and implementation of public policy and how these create the contexts for management and professional work in public organizations. Themes covered include public sector reform, public administration, the study of public policy, and innovation in public sector.
Learning Outcome
After completing the course, the student will have the following total learning outcome:
- have advanced knowledge about theories of public policy
- have knowledge about the political-administrative context for management and professional work in political sector
- have knowledge about innovation in the public sector
- being able to analyze public policy using theories and concepts from the course
- being able to apply theories and concepts from the course to analyze leadership and organization in public sector
- being able to apply theories and concepts from the course to analyze change and innovation in the public sector in general and in particular in one’s own sector
General competence:
- have advanced competence in analyzing the political context for management and professional work in the public sector
- can use theory and knowledge from the academic discipline to reflect on and communicate with both experts and the public about general challenges for the public sector and about daily practices in one's own organization
Entry requirements
Recommended previous knowledge
Teaching methods
Lectures. Group work. Comments from teacher on the draft of the term paper.
Compulsory learning activities
Academic paper/essay (approx. 1200 words).
Individual term paper.
Length approx. 3000 words.
The exam will be assessed on an A - F grades scale, where F is failed.
Students who have failed or have a legitimate leave of absence can hand in a revised version of the paper for assessment the following semester.
Examination support material
More about examination support materialCourse reductions
- SA6-409 - Politikk, styring og endring i helse- og velferdssektoren - Reduction: 2.5 studypoints
- SA6-410 - Politikk, styring og endring i utdanningssektoren - Reduction: 2.5 studypoints
- SA6-411 - Politikk, styring og endring i offentlege organisasjonar - Reduction: 7.5 studypoints
- OR6-502 - Styring, omstilling og leiing i offentlege organisasjonar - Reduction: 7.5 studypoints