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SYKF320P Practice Study, Nursing under Comorbid States of Disease and Patient Health Conditions in the Municipal Health Service

Course description for academic year 2025/2026

Contents and structure

This module is a supervised clinical practice which covers person-centered nursing for individuals with complex and multifaceted patient conditions and disease profiles in the municipal health and care service, with a specific focus on patients and their families in home care nursing.

Students apply the nursing process in their practice, with a particular emphasis on treatment, rehabilitation, and palliative care in collaboration with patients, their families, and other healthcare professionals.

Key aspects of the course include interdisciplinary collaboration, technology and health, patient safety, user involvement, and professional leadership.

The course also focuses on the following topics:

- Documentation and journal systems

- Current regulatory requirements

- Medication management and calculation

The estimated workload for this course is 405 hours, with 270 of these hours dedicated to direct patient-related work. The remaining hours are allocated to compulsory learning activities (work requirements) and self-study.

90% mandatory attendance in practice.

Learning Outcome

A student who completes this module must have achieved the following learning outcomes defined in the categories, knowledge, skills and general competence.


The student...

- Has knowledge of technology and digital solutions.


The student...

- Can use professional knowledge about health and disease in complex patient conditions and disease profiles to systematically observe, assess, decide, implement, and document appropriate nursing interventions.

- Can evaluate the effects of these interventions and adjust them as needed.

- Can initiate and contribute to interdisciplinary, interprofessional, and cross-sectoral collaboration to ensure a coordinated, comprehensive, and coherent course of treatment across entities and levels.

- Can use relational, communicative, and guidance skills in interactions with users, patients, and relatives.

- Can use knowledge of investigation, treatment, and follow-up to support the patient's decision-making.

- Can reflect on and handle professional, ethical, and legal issues in accordance with applicable laws and guidelines, adjusting their own practice accordingly.

- Can identify and assess risk factors on individual, system, and environmental levels, document and systematically follow up on these, and implement relevant measures.

- Can master assessment, evaluation, documentation, and communication tools in nursing practice.

- Can master relevant medical technical equipment in municipal health services.

General Competence:

The student...

- Can lead and prioritize tasks in nursing services.

- Has insight into quality indicators and standard terminology in nursing documentation.

- Has insight into how patients' linguistic and cultural backgrounds challenge the quality and patient safety, as well as knowledge of the use of interpreters.

- Has insight into the development and use of technology and digital solutions at the individual and system levels in healthcare.

- Can plan and implement nursing care for individuals with complex and multifaceted patient conditions and disease profiles and provide nursing care for individuals in palliative care.

- Can plan and implement proper medication management, including medication calculation, and quality-assure each patient's medication use.

- Can plan and implement communication and interaction with patients and relatives based on respect, involvement, and integrity.

- Can plan and implement targeted collaboration processes with patients/users, relatives, and other service providers and can prevent and resolve conflicts.

- Can plan and implement measures to ensure the safe transfer of patients between different units and levels in healthcare.

- Can plan and implement service development in collaboration with patients and relatives.

- Can convey professional knowledge and relevant results from research and development in theoretical and practical issues, both in writing and orally, and can justify choices in accordance with knowledge-based practice.

- Can convey viewpoints and share experiences with others in the field, both in writing and orally, contributing to the development of good practice.

- Aware of measures to preserve life and health during major accidents and in crisis and disaster situations

Entry requirements

SYK100, SYK130, SYK120P, SYK140, SYK200, SYK220P, SYK230P

Recommended previous knowledge

SYK110, SYK250, SYK300

Teaching methods

  • Group work
  • Digital resources
  • Student presentations
  • Skills training
  • Simulation
  • Tutoring
  • Peer feedback
  • Self-assessment
  • Problem solving
  • Written work
  • Self-study

Compulsory learning activities

The following compulsory learning activities must be approved before the students can work with patients:

1: Mandatory participation in teaching related to practice preparation, skills training, and simulation. 90% attendance is required.

2: Mandatory participation in group work/simulation related to medication management and calculation. Assessed as approved/not approved.

The following compulsory learning activity must be approved before the candidate presents themselves for final assessment in practice:

3: Participate in interprofessional collaboration and write a reflective note on professional collaboration.

In case of absence from compulsory learning activities, the same rules apply as for valid absence in practice, cf. Regulations relating to Programmes of Study and Examination at HVL.


Clinical practice is considered passed/failed after a final assessment of the candidate’s performance during clinical practice. To pass, students must have reached their learning outcomes and met the required 90% attendance.

New Practice

If a student does not pass, he/she must take a new clinical placement together with the following year’s class

Examination support material


More about examination support material