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SYKS100 Basic Nursing

Course description for academic year 2025/2026

Contents and structure

This module provides a theoretical basis for knowledge and understanding of the fundamental needs of humans and how the nurse, through clinical assessments and decisions, utilizes their health-promoting, preventive, therapeutic, rehabilitative, and palliative functions, including palliative care.

This module also covers the following topics:

  • the nursing process
  • nursing documentation
  • patient-centred nursing
  • values and concepts of nursing
  • health and illness
  • basic human needs (physical, mental, social and spiritual needs)
  • motivation and resilience
  • stress, crises and grief
  • hygiene and infection control
  • the aging process
  • nursing individuals with cognitive impairments
  • public documents and relevant legislation with a specific focus on the duty of confidentiality and user participation

Learning Outcome

A student who completes this module must have achieved the following learning outcomes defined in the categories, knowledge, skills and general competence.


The student...

• will have a broad knowledge of basic human needs

• will have knowledge of ethical reflection and central values and concepts of nursing

• will have knowledge of how the nurse, through clinical assessments and decisions, utilizes their health-promoting, preventive, therapeutic, rehabilitative, and palliative functions, including palliative care.

• will have knowledge of infection prevention measures

• will have knowledge of the aging process

• will have knowledge of patient-centred nursing

• will have knowledge of quality and patient safety within nursing and care services

• will have knowledge of professional ethics guidelines and relevant regulatory requirements


The student...

• will be able to refer to subject knowledge and relevant results from research and development work

General competence:

The student...

• will be able to convey key subject matter, issues and solutions

• will be familiar with the standard terminology used in nursing documentation

Entry requirements


Teaching methods

• Lectures

• Digital resources

• Group work

• Student presentations

• Skills training

• Simulation

• Supervision

• Peer feedback

• Problem solving

• Written assignments

  • Self-study

Compulsory learning activities

The following compulsory learning activities must be approved in order to take the exam:

  • 80% attendance and participation in student-active learning methods as specified in the timetable.

In the case of absence from compulsory learning activities, the same rules apply as for valid absence during practical training according to the regulations relating to programmes of study and examinations at Western Norway University of Applied Sciences.


Individual written exam, 4 hours. The time and place of the examination will be published on Studentweb.

Assessment grading: Graded using a scale from A to F, where A to E are passing grades and F is a fail. Resit exams are conducted in the same way as ordinary exams.

Examination support material


More about examination support material

Course reductions

  • BSS1AB - Introduksjon til sjukepleie - Reduction: 3.5 studypoints
  • BSS2B2 - Fagforståing for sjukepleie i sjukeheim - Reduction: 2 studypoints
  • BSSV1 - Samfunnsvitskaplege perspektiv på grunnleggjande sjukepleie - Reduction: 2 studypoints
  • SK169 - Grunnleggande sjukepleie og sjukepleie til eldre - Reduction: 7.5 studypoints
  • SYKHB1021 - Sjukepleie ved grunnleggende behov - Reduction: 7.5 studypoints
  • SYKSB1021 - Sjukepleie ved grunnleggende behov - Reduction: 7.5 studypoints