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FØS8120 Digital Money for the Future

Course description for academic year 2024/2025

Contents and structure

The course provides a basic introduction to Bitcoin, the underlying blockchain technology and the place of cryptocurrency in the national and international monetary system.

Bitcoin has opened up new opportunities in the digital economy and the course will give students an understanding of the link between technology, economics and social sciences. Bitcoin, and other cryptocurrencies, must be understood in an interdisciplinary manner and in the light of the mentioned areas. The course will also give students an understanding of the special and crucial role of cryptocurrency in blockchain technology.

There is no requirement for prior knowledge in technology and economics to be able to take this course. The course is adapted to employees in the financial sector and is based on the experiences the students have from their work in banking and finance.

After completing the course, students will understand how Bitcoin is structured and works and thus gain a basic understanding of all blockchain technology. The course will give students confidence to give advice to customers in matters of cryptocurrency.


  • Introduction to cryptocurrencies with an emphasis on Bitcoin
  • Monetary history
  • Development of digital payment system, before and after Bitcoin
  • Characteristic features of decentralized and central IT solutions
  • Bitcoin Consensus Model (Nakamoto Consensus)
  • Block chain technology
  • Use of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies
  • Regulation of Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies
  • Anonymity, pseudonymity and privacy
  • Bitcoin as a platform for other services
  • Alternative cryptocurrencies ("altcoins") and the universe of cryptocurrencies
  • Ethereum and smart contracts
  • Bitcoin, blockchain and future use and development
  • Blockchain technology as a basis for digital central bank money
  • Bitcoin as a payment system (The Lightning Network)
  • Cryptocurrency as a basis for new financing models
  • Bitcoin and monetary policy management
  • Bitcoin as an object of investment and speculation
  • Bitcoin as a global phenomenon and as an alternative to the unbanked and underbanked

Compulsory learning activities

Mandatory assignements


Digital home exam, passed/fail grading.

Examination support material

All resources allowed.

More about examination support material

Course reductions

  • BØA101 - Bitcoin, blokkjedeteknologi og den digitale økonomien - Reduction: 7.5 studypoints