JU6-4000 Contract law
Course description for academic year 2024/2025
Contents and structure
Contract law (law of formation of contracts) deals with rules on formation of contracts, including representation, interpretation and reasons for invalidity of contracts. These are essential rules in order to establish whether there is a binding contract between two ore more parties, and the rights and obligations based on this contract.
The main issue in contract law is whether or not a legally binding agreement has been entered. The ability to enter into a binding contract is based on private autonomy. A legally binding agreement may be enforced by the judicial system.
Questions may also arise regarding the content of the agreement, what are the parties bound to? This will depend on an interpretation. Occasionally, the content of an agreement might be deemed too unrerasonable to be upheld, in which case it may be totally or partially altered.
Learning Outcome
The student shall obtain:
- Thorugh knowledge and understanding of rules, contextst and terms within the subjects contractual binding, interpretation of contracts, invalidity and representation.
- Knowledge of the content of and the application of legal method, including statutory an non-statutory law.
- Knowledge about the special rules applicable when agreements are entered into digitally.
- Knowledge of the main features of the international development which may be of relevance for Norwegian contract law.
The student shall be able to:
- Find, systemize and and formulate legal questions and arguments about contract law.
- Apply their theoretical knowledge in independent analysis and through assessment and discussion reach legally sound conclusions.
- Apply legal method, including the use of statutory and non-statutory legal sources, as well as relevant international sources.
General competence:
The student shall be able to: :
- Formulate, discuss and conclute on legal questions on a precise manner, both in written and orally.
- Provide constructive feedback on other students' work, and recieve and utilise such feedback.
- Explain how Norwegian law in certain areas are affected by international sources.
- Separate between legally relevant an non-relavant arguments.
- Provide examples on how the technological development affects the law.
Entry requirements
Recommended previous knowledge
Examen facultatum/juridisk forprøve (JU5-100)
Teaching methods
Lectures, seminars, work in smaller groups, problemsolving and self-study.
Compulsory learning activities
Minimum 80% participation in seminars and guidance. Until 3 written assignments to be done individually. Students may be asked to present in class, and submit drafts. Thay might also be asked to provide constructive comments on other students' work.
All obligatory learling activities must be approved in order to take the exam. These are valid the two following semesters.
4 hours written exam, graded A-F
Examination support material
Lovdata pro in exam mode, with access to the sources decided by the course responsible.
More about examination support material