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MAS350 Bachelor Thesis

Course description for academic year 2024/2025

Learning Outcome

Upon completing the course, the candidate will have attained the following learning outcome:


The student

  • has broad knowledge of key issues and can use acquired knowledge in a self-selected part of the engineering field
  • should be able to update their knowledge through contact with relevant academic communities and practice fields
  • is familiar with the relevant methods and working practices relating to technological research and development
  • has an understanding for methodical work, ability of reflection and skills in systematic and scientific assessment


The student

  • can prepare a concrete problem formulation of societal interest within the field of engineering
  • can collect, analyze and refer information in a critical and reflective way
  • can go in depth in specific issues and develop concrete solutions to the problem
  • can plan, execute, document and communicate project results from a project work in a systematic and scientific way

General competence

The student

  • has insight in one or more of the following consequences: environmental, social and economic consequences of products and solutions within their field and can put these in an ethical and life cycle perspective
  • can reflect on their own professional practice and work both independently and in teams with planning and implementation of an engineering project
  • can translate their knowledge and skills into practical solutions and truthfully present the results orally and in writing
  • can contribute to development of good practice through participation in professional discussions within the field and can share their knowlegde and experience with others


Bachelor thesis with adjusting oral exam, 100 %.

The bachelor thesis consists of submitted final report, poster / video and any product. The process is also evaluated. Oral examination consists of an open presentation of the assignment (up to 30 minutes including questions from the audience) and a closed questioning and review of the assignment (up to 30 minutes).

Deadline for submission is stated on Studentweb and digital exam system.

Grade: A - E / passed; F / failed.

The grade of the submitted Bachelor Thesis shall be registered before conducting the adjusting oral exam. The adjusting oral exam can result in adjustment of a grade for a pass up or down by a maximum of one grade, cf. Regulations relating to studies and examination section 11-15.

The whole group receives the same grade, cf. Regulations relating to studies and examinations § 11-17. If there is any doubt as to whether a student contributes or has contributed sufficiently for a joint product, a written, individual statements must be obtained from all group members and the academic supervisor. The college may make a decision that the student have not attended the examination.

In the event of a failing grade on the bachelor thesis, the group is given the opportunity to submit an improved version in the subsequent semester.

Examination support material

At oral presentation/examination: All written and printed materials.

More about examination support material

Course reductions

  • MAS150 - Bacheloroppgåve - Allmenn maskinteknikk - Reduction: 20 studypoints