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FRI201 Outdoor Leadership

Course description for academic year 2024/2025

Learning Outcome

After completion of the course Outdoor Leadership the student will have acquired the following learning outcomes, defined as knowledge, skills and general competence:


The student

  • has knowledge of core competencies of outdoor leadership
  • has knowledge, insight and the ability to understand group development
  • has general knowledge of safety and risk management
  • has general knowledge of professional ethics
  • has general knowledge of environmental skills


The student

  • is able to demonstrate conditional leadership, based on the group and the nature environment
  • is able to write a trip plan with safety and risk analysis
  • is able organize, communicate and give instruction to groups in nature environment

General competence

The student

  • can independently continue to develop his/her own conditional outdoor leadership
  • can analyse relevant changes in the group and in the nature environment
  • can contribute with organizational, instructional, and facilitation skills that outdoor adventure leaders should possess

Recommended previous knowledge

Be prepared for overnight excursions in tent and be able to carry a backpack with own equipment on excursions.

Compulsory learning activities

Written assignment: Write a reflection paper on your own process to become an outdoor leader.

  • Demonstrate your learning development and understanding of outdoor leadership.
  • Relate theory to practical learning situations.

The written assignment is mandatory and must be approved to pass the course.

Examination support material


More about examination support material