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MGBNA401 Natural Science 2, module 2 - The living nature 2

Course description for academic year 2024/2025

Learning Outcome

Upon completion of this module, the student shall have achieved the following total learning outcomes:


The student

  • has knowledge of cellular processes
  • has knowledge of mechanisms behind genetics, evolution, and speciation
  • has knowledge of challenges and opportunities for sustainable development in the future, with a special focus on conservation of biodiversity
  • has knowledge of various types of nature and about species and groups of organisms adapted to Norwegian nature
  • has knowledge of education for sustainable development
  • has knowledge of and can discuss socio-scientific issues related to, among other things, sustainable development and biotechnology
  • has knowledge of relevant research in science education


The student

  • can find, evaluate, and refer to scientific and science didactic research and literature and apply this in teaching and discussion with fellow students
  • can work independently and research-based with science didactic issues
  • can convey others' and their own research and master academic writing at a basic level
  • can apply and evaluate natural science in socially relevant issues
  • can apply subject-specific and didactic knowledge in planning, implementation, and evaluation of science teaching

General competence

The student

  • has initial insight into methods within profession-oriented research
  • can delve into self-selected science didactic literature and reflect on its role in teaching
  • can contribute to and participate in the development of teaching practice in science for grades 1-7
  • can conduct science teaching in accordance with the current curriculum for grades 1-7
  • can plan and implement interdisciplinary teaching

Recommended previous knowledge

Natural Science 1 - The Living Nature

Teaching methods

Teaching methods will vary between lectures, discussions, demonstrations, fieldwork, excursions, problem-solving, and teaching exercises.

Fieldwork or excursions are a mandatory part of the study, and it is assumed that students participate.

Parts of the curriculum must be studied independently. It is recommended that the curriculum material be processed through study groups.


Part 1: Written school exam, 4 hours. Counts for 50% of the final grade.

Part 2: R&D assignment. Counts for 50% of the final grade.

Graded on a scale from A-F, where F is a fail.

Both parts must be passed to receive a grade in the module. If one part is not passed, the part that is not passed must be retaken as a new exam.

If the R&D assignment is not passed, it is possible to submit an improved version in the following semester. It is only possible to submit an improved version with the same problem once. After this, a completely new R&D assignment must be written.

Examination support material

  • Written school exam: No support materials.
  • R&D assignment: All support materials are allowed.

More about examination support material