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MGUNA231 Natural Science 1, module 2 - Physics and chemistry for primary and lower secondary school

Course description for academic year 2024/2025

Contents and structure

Natural Science 1 is composed of two courses, each worth 15 credits:

  • The Living Nature 1
  • Physics and Chemistry for primary and lower secondary school

Through Natural Science 1, pupils encounter key scientific and science education themes relevant to teaching science in primary school for grades 1.-10.

The course provides pupils with academic confidence in topics within physics, chemistry, geology, and technology that are central to science for grades 1.-10. The student develops skills and general competence in introducing science to the youngest pupils, working with natural science with pupils at lower secondary school, and guides pupils in the transition between the school stages. The development of pupils' sensory perception, sense of discovery, wonder, appreciation of nature, and scientific language is an essential part of this competence. Pupils also learn to facilitate exploratory teaching, where both subject matter and teaching methods are considered.

The course plan follows the progression in practice and interdisciplinary themes as outlined in the study program plan and the practice course plan for the current year.

The course can be taught in English in Bergen if three or more exchange pupils choose the course.

Entry requirements



School exam, 6 hours.

All parts of the exam (chemistry, physics, and geoscience) must be passed.

Graded on a scale from A-F, where F corresponds to a fail.