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Study plan - Theatre in Social, Participatory Art, Community and Educational Contexts

Autumn 2023

Learning outcomes


The candidate 

  • has advanced knowledge in applying theatre and drama in transcultural contexts.
  • has advanced knowledge in the major periods, genres and representatives of theatre history, especially applied theatre, and post-dramatic theatre. 
  • has thorough knowledge of the theory, concepts and methods in applied theatre, drama- and theatre education, process drama, Theatre in Education and Performance Arts Oriented Theatre Pedagogy.
  • has thorough knowledge in different methodologies and tools of facilitating drama processes and creating theatre in educational, social, community, health, care and cultural contexts.
  • can analyse ethical aspects and responsibilities of artistic interventions in a community and the role of the facilitator-researcher in the process.  
  • has thorough knowledge of methods of reflective practice and qualitative drama/theatre education research. has advanced knowledge in the theory of drama- and theatre-based participatory artistic research approaches.


The candidate

  • can carry out and apply theatrical practices in different educational, social, community, health, care and cultural contexts to achieve specific aims. 
  • can participate in community artistic processes sensitively, ethically, responsibly, sustainably and creatively.  can critically analyse existing applied theatre practices in relation to their implementation in different social and cultural contexts.
  • can identify practices that can be applied in specific contexts with different logistic realities. 
  • can independently recognise and reflect on their own needs for further developing their artistic, pedagogical, and social competences.
  • can adapt and use their knowledge in multilingual contexts, communicate at a high professional level in their first language and in English. 
  • can conduct interdisciplinary educational or artistic research individually.
  • can carry out and complete independently a wide range of applied theatre tasks in both private and public sector (such as various tasks related to theatre arts, community development, project management, the cultural sphere, media, economy, specialized teacher training, curriculum planning, or various academic fields). 

General competence

The candidate

  • can analyse relevant academic, professional and research ethical problems regarding drama and applied theatre.
  • can apply their knowledge and skills in new educational-, social-, community-, health- and cultural areas in order to carry out advanced processes and projects.
  • communicates independently by mastering the terminology of the academic field.
  • can communicate about practical, artistic, and academic issues of the field, both with other specialists and for the general public.
  • can contribute to new thinking and innovative processes in the field of drama and applied theatre.
  • strives to create communities, enhance cross-cultural dialogue through artistic methods in various contexts, through innovative forms.  
  • supports strengthening of international connections, serves international integration and flow of information, while, at the same time, also preserves their own cultural identity. 


The first and second semester, the summer school and the third semester are realised at different universities. Students can choose where they wish to conduct their research for their MA Dissertation in the fourth, last semester.

The module plans are available in separate annexes:

  • Modules of the 1st and 2nd semester (Norway)
  • Description of the summer school (Ireland)
  • Modules of the 3rd semester (Hungary)
  • Modules of the 4th semester (Ireland)

Module plans are designed in a unified structure, including all aspects that will be needed in all Partner countries for accreditation. There are two responsible teachers indicated for each module, or a deputy responsible is identified. This is to avoid the risking of the entire programme in case a responsible person falls out for any reason.

The joint curriculum has a modular structure and comprises seven mandatory modules in a compulsory linear mobility path spread over four semesters and two years:


The semesters start and end according to the following plan:

  • First semester in Norway starts in September (with some online informative events organized already in mid-August) and ends in December.
  • Second semester in Norway starts early January and ends mid-June. The semester includes a min. 30-hours-long fieldwork at an organization.
  • Summer school offered by Trinity College is in July, between the second and third semesters.
  • Third semester starts in September in Hungary and ends in January.
  • Fourth semester coordinated by Ireland will start in February and end in August. Students decide where they stay.

The indicated time frame of the semesters is more precisely presented in a detailed semester plan the students receive at beginning of each academic year. Usually, 2-3 weeks are left between semesters to allow moving from one city to another.

The entire programme takes 24 months from September to August. Students have a summer break following the summer school and 2-4 weeks breaks during the winter holidays seasons.

The summer school between the 2nd and the 3rd semester is a mandatory learning activity, which is not graded but approved.

Throughout the entire programme, guest lecturers from other countries are invited to hold lectures, workshops, seminars both on campus and online, with the intention of sharing projects and practices from different contexts.

Key regulations of the MA Dissertation:

  • Modules 1-6 are all mandatory prerequisites of the MA Dissertation. The student must acquire a minimum of an E grade in modules 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6; and an approval in module 5.
  • Students will spend the last semester where they do their research. They can stay at any of the Partner universities or stay in a third country.
  • In each edition, Students will be equally distributed among the Partner universities regarding supervision.
  • Supervision can happen either on campus (in case the supervisor and the student are in the same city) or online. Supervision can happen individually or in smaller groups, and also within colloquium groups of students.
  • Credit-wise the MA Dissertation module is registered to Trinity College.
  • Degree-awarding ceremonies are organized at the premises of Western Norway University of Applied Sciences usually in September. With serious justification (e.g., expired Visa, sickness etc.) and the prior written approval of the Programme Coordinator, a student can participate online.