Group picture of center management, employees and research fellows at the Center for Care Research, west.

Centre for Care Research, west

Our research explores the conditions and development of welfare services, with a particular focus on the municipal health and care sector. This research generates knowledge, both about and for, these services in a comparative perspective, locally and internationally. We are an interdisciplinary research centre, with specific expertise in the approaches used within the social sciences.

Main field of interest

Comparative service research 

Comparative service research examines the services provided by the welfare state in a comparative and interdisciplinary perspective. The availability of equipment, as well as the economic, organisational, political and cultural conditions and consequences are studied across municipalities, sectors and borders.

Innovation in the public sector

The aim of innovation within the public sector is interdisciplinary and intersectional in its nature, with a focus on understanding how new or adapted practices are created, institutionalised, spread, remodelled or rejected. 

Philosophy and foundations

How is care given, and how is it experienced? What framework conditions exist, and what scope do they have, in regard to care provided in nursing and care institutions today?


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