Online teaching

At the Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, we offer a range of online courses. For several of these, all of the teaching is conducted online. For the rest of the courses, we offer a combination of online seminars and in-person classes on campus.

Online courses provide a flexible form of learning, as the students are given a greater deal of freedom when it comes to choosing what, when and how they complete the learning activities. This also extends to our tutors, as you will have a greater choice when it comes to choosing what and when you want to conduct the teaching too.

As a tutor on one of our online courses, you have a number different options when it comes to diversifying your teaching. You can facilitate various different working methods, and you’ll also be able to provide the students access to numerous learning resources in various mediums. Online teaching also offers a unique chance to work and learn as part of a network, and develop knowledge together with others (Fleksibel Utdanning Norge, 2017).

We divide our courses between synchronous and asynchronous modes of online teaching. On our synchronous online courses, the students must attend the classes at a set time, but they are still able to choose where in the world they will be tuning in from. On our asynchronous courses, the students can choose both when and where they complete the course.

Do you have a question about online teaching?

Get in touch via our helpline, and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.
