Associate Professor

Åshild Berg-Brekkhus

Courses taught

Theories of education


Educational practice

Capability Approach

Philosophy of Education

Bildung, Critical Thinking and Democratisation

Research areas

Capability expansion in Childhood and Youth

Bildung and Democracy

Vocational education and Trajectories from School to Work

Professional Development in School

Research groups

Lived democracy



  • Cooperation on Temporal Logics: Navigation Challenges and Requirements between Teachers and Teacher Education

    Werler, Tobias Christoph, Berg-Brekkhus, Åshild (2024)
  • The Capability Approach (CA)-A Promising Foundation for Education and Sustainable Development?

    Berg-Brekkhus, Åshild (2024)
  • Med norsk, matematikk og engelsk mot konspirasjonsteoriar.

    Hauge, Kjellrun Hiis, Breivega, Kjersti Maria Rongen, Rimmereide, Hege Emma, Lilland, Inger Elin, Berg-Brekkhus, Åshild (2024)
  • Kapabilitetstilnærmingen /Capability Approach). Et etisk verdigrunnlag til å ta opp konfliktfylt og kontroversielle tema i klasserommet.

    Berg-Brekkhus, Åshild (2023)
  • Brekkhus, Å. Exploring VET Students Bildung in the Light of the Capability Approach : A Projective Anticipation of Freedom, Self Creation and the ‘Good Life’?

    Berg-Brekkhus, Åshild (2023)
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