Associate Professor

Bente Kvilhaugsvik

Field of work

Some of my areas of expertise are interprofessional collaborative learning (IPL/IPE) and facilitation of IPL, health promotion, use of digital tools in teaching and follow-up of nursing students in practice far from campus, complementary and alternative medicine (CAM), internationalization at home through "Collaborative Online International Learning " (COIL).

I have participated in development projects on: Continuity in treatment in connection to transfer of patients between levels in health care services / home rehabilitation, Interprofessional collaborative learning (IPL) in practice and digitally supported IPL, Digitally supported practice follow-up (PRODOPP) for nursing students and Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL), which is a project with internationalization at home.

Selected publications

  • Forskning på «Collaborative Online International Learning» (COIL).COIL-erfaringer fra 2020 – 2023, i sykepleie-utdanningen i HVL, Stord.

    Kvilhaugsvik, Bente (2024)
  • Relasjonskompetanse i helsefag - en studie av helsefaglige profesjonsutøveres forståelse av begrepet

    Kvilhaugsvik, Bente, Havnerås, Åshild, Steinsland, Ragnhild Alice Bjerk, Renolen, Åse (2023)
  • Veiledning anno 2023. Essay om fleksible veiledningsformer for masterstudenter.

    Kvilhaugsvik, Bente (2023)
  • Nursing students learn interprofessional collaboration (IPC) during practice periods. Interprofessional learning (IPL) when a University College educate only one health profession.

    Kvilhaugsvik, Bente, Almås, Synnøve Hofseth (2023)
  • Global mobility for staff and students from Université Adventiste Zurcher (UAZ) and Western Norway University of Applied Sciences (HVL). Long-term collaboration between academic staff from 2019, Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) from 2020 and physical student exchange from 2023.

    Alfsvåg, Leif Steinar, Solberg, Cecilie Bøyum, Nordström, Kajsa, Ravoninjatovo, Sitraka Miantrasoa, Kvilhaugsvik, Bente (2023)