Hilde Birgitte Hjertager Lund
Field of work
I research and teach leadership, cultural diversity and policy topics in kindergarten and the education sector. I am particularly interested in leadership challenges and conditions in a culturally diverse education sector, social inequality and power relations in education.
I am working as an associate professor of social sciences at the Department of Education, Religion and Social Sciences and have a Masters's Degree in social anthropology from The University of Bergen. My PhD project (2022) is entitled: Inequality, Equality and Diversity. Educational leadership and parenting in culturally diverse kindergartens. The PhD project is affiliated with Barnkunne - Centre for Research in Early Childhood Education and Care and WP10: Leadership and Diversity in Kindergartens.
The study examines the significance of educational leadership for the educational content and quality of inclusion and understanding of diversity. The study is qualitative and uses semi-structured interviews, fieldwork, and participant observation as methods. Educational leaders and managers were interviewed, and kindergarten practices related to the pedagogical leadership role and diversity understandings were obtained through ethnographic observational studies. The parental perspective in the study was obtained through semi-structured interviews with refugee parents.
Roles and offices
- The PhD project is affiliated with Barnkunne - Centre for Research in Early Childhood Education and Care and WP10: Leadership and Diversity in Kindergartens.
- Project participant/researcher in the EU - funded project HORIZON2020: Pioneering Policies and Practices Tackling Educational Inequalities in Europe: PIONEERED
- Co-author of the anthology How to Understand Prejudice. About the importance of context in kindergarten, school, and society.
Courses taught
- Theoretical perspectives on education and sustainable development in Africa
- Pedagogy
- Social studies in teacher education
- Bachelor supervison - Early Childhood Education
- Master - management and organisation
Research areas
- Kindergarten
- Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC)
- Leadership
- Cultural diversity
- Education
- Power and cultural capital
Research groups
- SA6-503, Understanding Educational Policy, Fall 2024
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