Associate Professor

Ieva Kuginyte-Arlauskiene

Courses taught
  • MGBPE301, Pedagogy and pupil-related skills, module 3 – The professional teacher, 24/25, subject responsible
  • MGBPE401, Pedagogy and pupil-related skills, module 4 - The research-informed, innovative and ethically conscious teacher, 24/25, subject responsible
  • MGUPE101, Pedagogy and pupil-related skills, module 1 - The role of the teacher and pupils’ learning and development, 24/25
  • MGUPE301, Pedagogy and pupil-related skills, module 3 – The professional teacher, 24/25, subject responsible
  • MGUPE401, Pedagogy and pupil-related skills, module 4 - The research-informed, innovative and ethically conscious teacher , 24/25, subject responsible
  • MGUSP101, Special pedagogy 1, module 1 - Special pedagogy as a subject and research field, 24/25
  • MGUSP201, Special pedagogy 1, module 2 - Psychosocial development and language, reading and writing difficulties, 24/25
  • MGUSP550, Special pedagogy 2, module 2 - Master's thesis, 24/25
  • PHD950, Doctoral thesis, 24/25


  • Pre-service teachers' perceptions of the school bullying phenomenon

    Dziuginta Baraldsnes, Ieva Kuginyte-Arlauskiene, Tobias Christoph Werler (2023)
  • Veileder for inkluderende opplæring av elever med Downs syndrom

    Ieva Kuginyte-Arlauskiene, Karen Knudsen Synnes, Karianne Hjørnevik Nes (2023)
  • Deformed knowledge and teacher education: Norwegian Pre-service Teachers’ Knowledge to Reveal and Prevent School Bullying

    Tobias Christoph Werler, Dziuginta Baraldsnes, Ieva Kuginyte-Arlauskiene (2023)
  • Klasseromsinteraksjoner som forebyggende tiltak i møte med utfordrende atferd

    Ieva Kuginyte-Arlauskiene, Lone Iselin (2022)
  • School bullying: knowledge and experience to intervene in pre-service teachers in Norway

    Dziuginta Baraldsnes, Ieva Kuginyte-Arlauskiene, Tobias Christoph Werler (2022)
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