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Assistant Professor
Katrine Heggstad
Courses taught
- BACH301, Bachelor thesis , 24/25
- DRA300, Bildung and academic craft, 24/25
- DRA301A, Entering drama, 24/25
- DRA303A, Drama pedagogy, 24/25
- DRA304, Theatre history and theatre production, 24/25
- DRA310, Literature, reading and mediating, 24/25
- DRA311, Directing: Own project on a chosen social arena, 24/25
- DRA312, Bachelor's thesis, scientific theory and research methodology, 24/25
- KIP301, Cultural understanding and intercultural pedagogy, 24/25
- MKUF501B, Drama pedagogy, 24/25
- MKUF502B, Applied Theatre, 24/25
- MKUF503, Aesthetics and creativity, 24/25
- MKUF504, Philosophy of science and methodology, 24/25
- MKUF505, Project pre-design and contextual reflection, 24/25
- MKUF550, Master's thesis, 24/25
- PDR100, Process Drama - a preliminary course, 24/25