- FLKI851, Professional mentoring for kindergarden and/or school based teacher educators, module 1, 24/25
- FLKI852, Professional mentoring for kindergarden and/or school based teacher educators, module 2, 24/25
- GUPEL312N, Development of the teacher's professional role and identity, 24/25, subject responsible
- MGUPE301, Pedagogy and pupil-related skills, module 3 – The professional teacher, 24/25
- VEI801, Mentoring and teacher professionalism, 24/25, subject responsible
- VEI802, Professional qualification for student teachers and newly qualified teachers, 24/25, subject responsible
- VEI803, Mentoring and professional development in kindergarten and school, 24/25, subject responsible
Veien gjennom et fokusgruppeintervju, med forskningsloggen som hjelpemiddel
Støtte og utvikling i jobben som ny lærerutdanner i Norge
Profesjonsrettet praksislærerutdanning Informasjon, innspill, samtale og organisering
What attitudes and assumptions do the practice teachers bring into their mentoring studies?
Research and development and new teacher educators in Norway