Associate Professor

Reidun Helen Faye

Field of work

Reidun Faye is Associate Professor at the Department of Education, Religion, and Social Sciences. She teaches Social Studies at bachelor's and master's levels in the Primary Teacher Education programs for grades 1-7 and 5-10.

Her research interests include mechanisms of inclusion and exclusion in the educational process. She has written several articles on how teachers can recognize racism in the classroom and how to address racism as a topic. Faye also researches digitalization in the classroom and has developed digital teaching resources for use in teacher education. Among other projects, she has worked with Virtual Reality as a didactic method. In collaboration with the Media Lab at HVL, she has developed a Virtual Reality game that can be used to train teacher students to recognize and respond appropriately to racism in their future classrooms. Faye also researches what motivates teacher students to actively participate in their studies.

Other research interests and professional competencies:

  • Digital didactics (Faye 2021) and digital competence in the classroom. I research, among other things, how Virtual Reality can be used in teaching contexts and develop digital teaching materials.

  • Racism and discrimination, diversity and integration, antisemitism. I am particularly focused on how we can best prepare teacher students to confront racism and discrimination in the classroom.

  • Educational research in global contexts. I completed my doctoral dissertation in sociology on educational processes and migration in Nepal. I have also researched education in relation to social diversity and poverty in South Sudan and Cambodia.

  • Social studies didactics, learning theory, sociology, sociological theory.


Research areas
  • Digitalization in schools
  • Digital pedagogy
  • Educational research
  • Discrimination, racism and exclusion
  • Inclusion and integration
  • Education and development
  • Development
  • Poverty
  • Internationalisation of higher education
  • Social marginalisation
  • Nepal
  • Tanzania
  • Cambodia
  • Sudan
Research groups

Selected publications