Field of work

Ph.D. Candidate in the doctoral program "Studies of Bildung and Didactical practices".

Research areas

My research concerns the cross-disciplinary theme democracy and citizenship education in relation to an implemented didactical model in teacher education called “The Rehearsal Room”. The main question of my doctoral thesis is how democracy and citizenship education is explored in teacher education through this didactical model. Pre-service teacher’s perspective is in the forefront of my research.

My Ph.D.-project is connected to Rehearsing Teaching Professionally (ReTPro) at Western Norway University of Applied Sciences. Central elements of my project includes the understanding of democratic citizenship from a bildung perspective, pre-service teacher’s understanding of reflective rehearsals as a way of enhancing consciousness concerning democratic citizenship education and opportunities and challenges that arise within this form of practice in teacher education. The aim is to contribute to insight in and development of didactical practices in teacher education in relation to democracy and citizenship understood as a cross-disciplinary theme in education.

Research groups

PROFRES 2.0 - National doctoral research school related to three major sectors of the Welfare State; helthcare, welfare and education. 


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